Bargain Bob's auto dealership sells vehicles. He sells Chrysler, Jeep, and Dodge brand vehicles. He tracks customer and manufacturer. Bob tracks only the main owner—all co-owners and co-signers are recorded elsewhere.Based on the description above, what is the maximum cardinality between each instance of "Customer" and "Vehicle?"


Answer 1

Based on the given description in the question, the maximum cardinality assignment of the customer and vehicle is; one customer to one vehicle mapping

Cardinal Mapping

Cardinality is simply defined as the mapping of entities or group of entities to a certain cardinal value. This means that cardinality seeks to highlight the relationship between two objects such as eggs in a crate or shoes on a rack.

Now, in this question, we see that the car dealer sells one car to a customer and tracks the customer and manufacturer for that particular vehicle. This is simply 1 to 1 mapping and as such the maximum cardinality assignment of the customer and vehicle is one (1) to one (1) mapping.

Read more on Mapping at;

Answer 2


Customer(1) - (1) Vehicle.


Cardinality is the mapping of entities or group of entities to a cardinal value. It tries to show the relationship between two objects like a cups in a shelf or plates in racks.

The car dealer in the question, sells one car to a customer and keep or prioritise the record of the main owner of the acquired vehicle. So the maximum cardinality assignment of the customer and vehicle is one (1) to one (1) mapping.

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Insert the missing code in the following code fragment. This fragment is intended to implement a method to set the value stored in an instance variable. Public class Employee
Private String empID;
Private boolean hourly;
) . .
Hourly = isHourly;
A) public void setHourly(String isHourly)
B) public void getHourly()
C) public boolean getHourly()
D) public boolean setHourly(boolean isHourly)





In this code example the missing piece of code would be...

public void setHourly(String isHourly)

This piece of code is creating a function called setHourly which takes in one String variable as it's parameter. Based on the rest of the code, the function takes that parameter variable and places it into an instance variable called Hourly which can be used when the function is called.

Write a python program to calculate and print the electric bill for Ethiopian Electricity Corporation. (consumer name meter number(mno),last month reading(Imr)and current month reading(cmr) of 50 customers and calculate the net bill amounts as follows: Number of unit(Nou)=cmr-lmr If Nou200 then bill =Nou*2 tax=bill*0.15 netbill=bill+tax Print all the details in the bill for all customers​


The electric bill program illustrates the use of loops (i.e. iteration)

Loops are used to execute repetitive operations

The electric bill program in Python where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This iteration shows that the process is repeated for 50 consumers

for i in range(50):

   #This gets input for the consumer name meter number

   mno = input("Consumer name meter number: ")

   #This gets input for last month reading

   lmr = int(input("Last month reading: "))

   #This gets input for current month reading

   cmr = int(input("Current month reading: "))

   #This calculates the number of units

   Nou = cmr - lmr

   #This calculates the bills

   bill = Nou*2

   #This calculates the tax

   tax = bill*0.15

   #This calculates the netbills

   netbill = bill+tax

   #This next four lines print the electric bills

   print("Number of units:",Nou)




Read more about loops at:

Write a program that uses a two-dimensional array to store the highest and lowest temperatures for each month of the year. Prompt the user for 12 months of highest and lowest. Write two methods : one to calculate and return the average high and one to calculate and return the average low of the year. These methods MUST be your original code. Your program should output all the values in the array and then output the average high and the average low.a) Function getData: This function reads and stores data in the two-dimensional array.b) Function averageHigh: This function calculates and returns the average high temperature for the year.
c) Function averageLow: This function calculates and returns the average low temperature for the year.
d) Function indexHighTemp: This function returns the index of the highest high temperature in the array.
e) Function indexLowTemp: This function returns the index of the lowest low temperature in the array."



The Java code is given below with appropriate comments


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Temperature {


  public static void main(String[] args)


      // declaring the temperatures array

      double[] maxTemp = new double[12];

      double[] lowTemp = new double[12];

      double avgHighTemp = 0;

      double avgLowTemp = 0;


      Scanner kb = new Scanner(;

      System.out.println("Please enter the highest and lowest temperatures");

      System.out.println("of each month one by one below\n");


      // inputting the temperatures one by one

      for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


          System.out.print("Please enter the highest temperature for month #" + (i+1) + ": ");

          maxTemp[i] = Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());

          System.out.print("Please enter the lowest temperature for month #" + (i+1) + ": ");

          lowTemp[i] = Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());



      avgHighTemp = getAvgHighTemperature(maxTemp);

      avgLowTemp = getAvgLowTemperature(lowTemp);

      System.out.printf("Average high temperature is: %.2f\n", avgHighTemp);

      System.out.printf("Average low temperature is: %.2f\n", avgLowTemp);




  // method to calculate the average high temperature

  public static double getAvgHighTemperature(double[] highTemp)


      double total = 0;

      for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


          total += highTemp[i];


      return total/12;



  // method to calculate the average low temperature

  public static double getAvgLowTemperature(double[] lowTemp)


      double total = 0;

      for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


          total += lowTemp[i];


      return total/12;



What is the purpose of creating a PST file?Question 18 options:
a)To document an antivirus pattern that continues to be sent to your mailbox
b)To insert as a Signature for all outgoing emails
c) To save your emails so that you can restore your mailbox if necessary
d)To create a file that deleted emails will be sent to for deletion


The purpose of creating a PST file is to

c) To save your emails so that you can restore your mailbox if necessary


  • A PST file is a personal folder file in Microsoft Outlook. In Outlook, the storage limit for a single user's . PST file is 2 GB. PST stands for personal storage.
  • A PST file, or personal storage table (. pst) file, is a Microsoft Outlook Data File that stores a user's Outlook data for POP3, IMAP and web-based mail accounts, including all mail folders and the items within the folders, such as emails, email attachments, to do items and appointments, contacts and more.
  • In computing, a Personal Storage Table (. pst) is an open proprietary file format used to store copies of messages, calendar events, and other items within Microsoft software such as Microsoft Exchange Client, Windows Messaging, and Microsoft Outlook.
  • The purpose of the PST file was, like it is today, to provide end users with a way to create local archives of their server-based email.
  • As a result, PST files provided end users with a means of expanding their email storage by creating and maintaining one or more local archives.

viewRatings(string, int) Takes a username and a minimum rating value. It prints all the books that the user has rated with a value greater than or equal to the minimum rating value. The function does not return anything.



def ViewRatings(str, rating):

   for book in books:

       if r >= rating:


ViewRatings("emma", 3)


* The code is in Python.

Since the are missing parts in your question. I am assuming there is a books list and there is a rating, r for each book.

- Create a function called ViewRatings that takes two parameters

- Initialize a for loop that iterates through each book in the books list

- For each book, check its rating with given rating. If the rating of the book is greater than or equal to given rating, print the book

- Call the function

How many bits would be needed to count all of the students in class today? There are 5 children in the class.


To represent the 5 children as a computer bit, we make use of the equation 2^b = n. 3 bits are required to represent the 5 children.

Given that

n = 5 ---- number of children

The number of bits (b) is calculated as:

2^b = n

Substitute 5 for n

2^b = 5

Take logarithm of both sides

\log(2)^b = \log(5)

Apply law of logarithm

b * \log(2) = \log(5)

Make b the subject

b = (\log(5))/(\log(2))

b = 2.32

The number of bits must be an integer. So, we use the greatest integer closest to 2.32. The integer is 3



Hence, the number of bits to represent the 5 children is 3.

Read more about bits at:

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