It is common for students to overshoot the endpoint, meaning they add too much NaOH(aq) from the buret, which causes the solution to turn bright pink. What specific impact does this mistake have on the percent of acetic acid result?


Answer 1

Answer: the percentage of acetic acid will be low.

Explanation: The major aim during titration of acids and bases is to  determine the endpoint , that is exact point where the acid  in the beaker changes colour, (in this case, pink )with an additional  drop from the burette containing the base, since it is usually difficult to mark the equivalence point that tells us when  all the substrate in the beaker has been neutralized completely with the buretted substance.

Overshooting the end point is  an error which can occur when the person involved in the  the titration accidently goes beyond this  endpoint by adding too much of the substance(base) from the burette into the beaker missing the exact endpoint.

This implies that the person  has  added too much of the burreted liquid, ie the base than required  , making the acid in the beaker to continue to react resulting  to a lower concentration of the acid (acetic acid)  with excess base.(NaOH)

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A polar commercial antacid contains both Al(OH)3 and Mg(OH)2. Are these compounds Arrhenius bases, Brønsted-Lowry based, or both? Explain your answer.



Magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, is an Arrhenius base and therefore also a Brønsted-Lowry base.

However, water can also act as a base by accepting a proton from an acid to become its conjugate base, H3O+. where Al(OH)3 is acting as a Lewis Base.


Arrhenius acids and bases

An Arrhenius acid is any species that increases the concentration of H+start text, H, end text, start superscript, plus, end superscript in aqueous solution.

An Arrhenius base is any species that increases the concentration of OH−start text, O, H, end text, start superscript, minus, end superscript in aqueous solution.

What is water classified as


Water, or H2O, is a compound composed of the elements hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O).

Bond energy is related to bond length. Use the bond energy data below to arrange the bonds listed in order of increasing bond length (shortest to longest).Bond : Energy (kJ/mol)- C-C : 346
- C=C : 835
- C≡C : 612



The order of increasing bond lenght :

-C≡C < -C=C < -C-C


Bond length is defined as average distance between two nuclei of  bonded atoms in a molecule.Bond length is inversely  proportional to the number of bonds present between two atoms.

\text{Bond length} \propto \frac{1}{\text{Number of bonds}}...[1]

Bond energy is defied as amount of energy required to break apart the bond of 1 mole of molecule into their individual atom.

Bond energy is directly proportional to the number of bonds present between two atoms.

\text{Bond Energy} \propto \text{Number of bonds}..[2]

From [1] and [2]:

\text{Bond length} \propto \frac{1}{\text{Bond energy}}

Bond : Energy (kJ/mol)

-C-C : 346

-C=C : 612

-C≡C : 835

The order of decreasing bond energy :

835 kJ/mol   > 612 kJ/mol > 346  kJ/mol

The order of increasing bond lenght :

-C≡C < -C=C < -C-C

How many moles are in 98.3 grams of aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)3?


Considering the definition of molar mass, 1.26 moles are in 98.3 grams of aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)₃.

The given molar mass of substance is a property defined as its mass per unit quantity of substance, in other words, molar mass is the amount of mass that a substance contains in one mole.

The molar mass of a compound (also called Mass or Molecular Weight) is the sum of the molar mass of the elements that form it (whose value is found in the periodic table) multiplied by the number of times they appear in the compound.

In this case, you know the molar mass of the elements is:

  • Al= 27 g/mole
  • O= 16 g/mole
  • H= 1 g/mole

So, the molar mass of the compound Al(OH)₃ is calculated as:

Al(OH)₃= 27 g/mole + 3× (16 g/mole + 1 g/mole)


Al(OH)₃= 78 g/mole

Next, you can apply the following rule of three: if 78 grams of the compound are contained in 1 mole, 98.3 grams are contained in how many moles?

amount of moles=(98.3 gramsx1 mole)/(78 grams)

amount of moles= 1.26 moles

1.26 moles are in 98.3 grams of aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)₃.

Learn more:

We have to calculate the molar mass of  AL(OH)₃
Atomic mass (Al)=27 amu
Atomic mass (O)=16 amu
Atomic mass (H)=1 amu

molecular weight= 27 amu+3(16 amu + 1 amu) =78 amu.

Therefore, the molar mass of Al (OH)₃ is 78 g/ mol

Now, we calculate the number of moles in 98.3 g of aluminum hydroxide.

78 g-------------------1 mol
98.3 g-----------------  x

x=(98.3 g * 1 mol) / 78 g=1.26 moles.

Answer: 1.26 moles.

The two ways that energy can be transferred are as heat or as work. True or False?


the correct answer would be false

The answer is True, I've taken this test.

How can we determine the atomic mass of an element which posseses isotopic forms?​


Answer: Here are the steps to determine the atomic mass of an element with isotopic forms:

1. Identify the isotopes: Determine the different isotopic forms of the element. Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons but the same number of protons.

2. Determine the relative abundance: Find the relative abundance of each isotope. This information is typically given as a percentage or decimal. The relative abundance represents the proportion or percentage of each isotope in a naturally occurring sample of the element.

3. Obtain the mass of each isotope: Identify the mass of each isotope. This is usually given in atomic mass units (u) or grams per mole (g/mol).

4. Multiply the mass of each isotope by its relative abundance: Multiply the mass of each isotope by its relative abundance (expressed as a decimal). This calculates the contribution of each isotope to the overall atomic mass.

5. Sum the contributions: Add up the contributions of each isotope to obtain the atomic mass. This sum represents the weighted average of the masses of all the isotopic forms, taking into account their relative abundance.