Internal and external flow boiling regimes?


Answer 1


The flow boiling is also classified as either external and internal flow boiling depending on whether the fluid is forced to flow over a heated surface or inside a heated channel. The two-phase flow in a tube exhibits different flow boiling regimes, depending on the relative amounts of the liquid and the vapor phases.

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At steady state, air at 200 kPa, 325 K, and mass flow rateof 0.5 kg/s enters an insulated duct having differing inlet
and exit cross-sectional areas. The inlet cross-sectional area is
6 cm26cm
2. At the duct exit, the pressure of the air is 100 kPa and the velocity is 250 m/s. Neglecting potential energy
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p =1.008kJ/kg⋅K, determine
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(b) the temperature of the air at the exit, in K.
(c) the exit cross-sectional area, in cm2
(a) the velocity of the air at the inlet, in m/s.
(b) the temperature of the air at the exit, in K.
(c) the exit cross-sectional area, in cm


Letra A

A letra


Write a Lottery class that simulates a lottery. The class should have an array of five integers named lotteryNumbers. The constructor should use the Random class (from the Java API) to generate a random number in the range of 0 through 9 for each element in the array. The class should also have a method that accepts an array of five integers that represent a person’s lottery picks. The method is to compare the corresponding elements in the two arrays and return the number of digits that match. For example, the following shows the lotteryNumbers array and the user’s array with sample numbers stored in each. There are two matching digits (elements 2 and 4).




Enter the five digit lottery number

Enter the digit 1 : 23

Enter the digit 2 : 44

Enter the digit 3 : 43

Enter the digit 4 : 66

Enter the digit 5 : 33


Computer Generated Lottery Number :


Lottery Number Of user:


Number Of digit matched: 0


import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Lottery {

int[] lotteryNumbers = new int[5];

public int[] getLotteryNumbers() {

return lotteryNumbers;


Lottery() {

Random randomVal = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < lotteryNumbers.length; i++) {

lotteryNumbers[i] = randomVal.nextInt((50 - 1) + 1);



int compare(int[] personLottery) {

int count = 0;



for (int i = 0; i < lotteryNumbers.length; i++) {

if (lotteryNumbers[i] == personLottery[i]) {




return count;


public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] personLotteryNum = new int[5];

int matchNum;

Lottery lnum = new Lottery();

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enten the five digit lottery number");

for (int i = 0; i < personLotteryNum.length; i++) {

System.out.println("Enter the digit " + (i + 1) + " :");

personLotteryNum[i] = input.nextInt();


matchNum =;

if (matchNum == 5)

System.out.println("YOU WIN!!");


System.out.println("YOU LOSS!!");

System.out.println("Computer Generated Lottery Number :");


for (int i = 0; i < lnum.getLotteryNumbers().length; i++) {

System.out.print(lnum.getLotteryNumbers()[i] + "|");


System.out.println("\n\nLottery Number Of user:");


for (int i = 0; i < personLotteryNum.length; i++) {

System.out.print(personLotteryNum[i] + "|");



System.out.println("Number Of digit matched: " + matchNum);




Make a python code.Write a function named max that accepts two integer values as arguments and returns the value that is the greater of the two. For example, if 7 and 12 are passed as arguments to the function, the function should return 12. Use the function in a program that prompts the user to enter two integer values. The program should display the value that is the greater of the two. Write the program as a loop that continues to prompt for two numbers, outputs the maximum, and then goes back and prompts again
Here’s an example of program use
Input the first number: 10
Input the second number: 5
The maximum value is 10
Run again? yes
Input the first number: -10
Input the second number: -5
The maximum value is -5
Run again? no
Function max():
Obtain two numbers as input parameters: max(num1, num2):
if num1 > num2 max_val = num1, else max_val = num2
return max_val
Main Program:
Initialize loop control variable (continue = ‘y’)
While continue == ‘y’
Prompt for first number
Prompt for second number
Call function "max," sending it the values of the two numbers, capture result in an assignment statement:
max_value = max (n1, n2)
Display the maximum value returned by the function
print(‘Max =’, max_val)
Ask user for if she/he wants to continue (continue = input(‘Go again? y if yes’)


A loop is a control structure in programming that allows a block of code to be executed repeatedly.

How to write the python code?

Here is the Python code that implements the function and program described in the question:

def max(num1, num2):

 if num1 > num2:

   max_val = num1


   max_val = num2

 return max_val

# Main program

continue = 'y'

while continue == 'y':

 n1 = int(input("Input the first number: "))

 n2 = int(input("Input the second number: "))

 max_val = max(n1, n2)

 print("The maximum value is", max_val)

 continue = input("Run again? ")

Loops are an important programming construct that allow you to perform the same task multiple times with minimal code. They are often used to process data, perform calculations, and perform repetitive tasks.

To Know More About Loops, Check Out


(d) Arches NP is known for its spectacular arches that develop in the jointed areas of the park. Placemark Problem 2d flies you to Landscape Arch, the arch with the largest span in Arches NP. If the stresses that stretched the rock to form the joints were oriented perpendicular to the joint surfaces and the rock fins that contain the arches, what was the direction that the rocks were stretched? ☐ N-S
☐ E-W





Based on the description, the rock direction is North East - South West (NE-SW). Rocks generally can expand or compress depending on the type and magnitude of stress applied on the rocks. However, if the applied stress is sufficiently high, cracks and fractures will be created on the rock and it can ultimately lead to the formation of particles.

What does Enter key do? You cannot click Enter key to start a line if your current is blank?

This is spot to do today



See below


Enter-key also called the "Return key," it is the keyboard key that is pressed to signal the computer to input the line of data or the command that has just been typed.It Was the Return KeyThe Enter key was originally the "Return key" on a typewriter, which caused the carriage to return to the beginning of the next line on the paper. In a word processing or text editing application, pressing Enter ends a paragraph. A character code for return/end-of-line, which is different in Windows than it is in the Mac, Linux or Unix, is inserted into the text at that point.




Once there are two yellow lines having inner broken lines on the two sides of a center traffic lane, what this is trying to tell you is that you can use those lanes to start a left hand turn, or a U-turn from the both directions of traffic. However you cannot use it for passing. This is sometimes misunderstood by road users and drivers.

If 100 J of heat is added to a system so that the final temperature of the system is 400 K, what is the change in entropy of the system? a)- 0.25 J/K b)- 2.5 J/K c)- 1 J/K d)- 4 J/K



0.25 J/K


Given data in given question

heat (Q) = 100 J

temperature (T) = 400 K

to find out

the change in entropy of the given system


we use the entropy change equation here i.e  

ΔS = ΔQ / T           ...................a

Now we put the value of heat (Q) and Temperature (T) in equation a

ΔS is the entropy change, Q is heat and T is the temperature,  

so that

ΔS = 100/400 J/K

ΔS = 0.25 J/K