A cube with 1 m on a side is located in the positive x-y-z octant in a Cartesian coordinate system, with one of its points located at the origin. Find the total charge contained in the cube if the charge is given by p_v = x^2 ye^-z mC/m^3


Answer 1


4.61 mC


The cube has 1 m side in the positive x-y-z octant in a Cartesian coordinate system, with one of its points located at the origin. The charge density is given as:

\rho_v=x^2ye^(-z) \ mC/m^3

Charge density is the charge per unit length or area or volume. It is the amount of charge in a particular region.

The charge Q is given as:

Q=\int\limits_v {\rho_v} \, dv  \nQ=\int\limits_v {\rho_v} \, dv=\int\limits^2_(x=0)\int\limits^2_(y=0)\int\limits^2_(z=0) {x^2ye^(-z)} \, dxdydz\n

Q=\int\limits^2_(x=0) {x^2} \, dx \int\limits^2_(y=0) {y} \, dy \int\limits^2_(z=0) {e^(-z)} \, dz \n\nQ=((1)/(3) [x^3]^2_0)((1)/(2) [y^2]^2_0)(-1 [e^(-z)]^2_0)\n\nQ=(-1)/(6) ([x^3]^2_0)( [y^2]^2_0)( [e^(-z)]^2_0)\n\nQ=(-1)/(6)[2^3-0^3][2^2-0^2][e^(-2)-e^0]\n\nQ=(-1)/(6)(8)(4)(0.1353-1)=(-1)/(6)(8)(4)(-0.8647)\n\nQ=4.61\ mC

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Why or why not the following materials will make good candidates for the construction of a) Turbine blade for a jet turbine and
b) Thermal barrier coating. Cement, aluminum, engineering ceramic, super alloy, steel and glass



Answer explained below


3.] a] A turbine blade is the individual component which makes up the turbine section of a gas turbine. The blades are responsible for extracting energy from the high temperature, high pressure gas produced by the combustor.

The turbine blades are often the limiting component of gas turbines. To survive in this difficult environment, turbine blades often use exotic materials like superalloys and many different methods of cooling, such as internal air channels, boundary layer cooling, and thermal barrier coatings. The blade fatigue failure is one of the major source of outages in any steam turbines and gas turbines which is due to high dynamic stresses caused by blade vibration and resonance within the operating range of machinery.

To protect blades from these high dynamic stresses, friction dampers are used.

b] Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) are highly advanced materials systems usually applied to metallic surfaces, such as on gas turbine or aero-engine parts, operating at elevated temperatures, as a form ofexhaust heat management.

These 100μm to 2mm coatings serve to insulate components from large and prolonged heat loads by utilizing thermally insulating materials which can sustain an appreciable temperature difference between the load-bearing alloys and the coating surface.

In doing so, these coatings can allow for higher operating temperatures while limiting the thermal exposure of structural components, extending part life by reducing oxidation and thermal fatigue.

In conjunction with active film cooling, TBCs permit working fluid temperatures higher than the melting point of the metal airfoil in some turbine applications.

Due to increasing demand for higher engine operation (efficiency increases at higher temperatures), better durability/lifetime, and thinner coatings to reduce parasitic weight for rotating/moving components, there is great motivation to develop new and advanced TBCs.

For some transformation having kinetics that obey the Avrami equation (Equation 10.17), the parameter n is known to have a value of 2.1. If, after 146 s, the reaction is 50% complete, how long (total time) will it take the transformation to go to 86% completion?



t = 25.10 sec


we know that Avrami equation

Y = 1 - e^(-kt^n)

here Y is percentage of completion  of reaction = 50%

t  is duration of reaction = 146 sec


0.50 = 1 - e^(-k^146^2.1)

0.50 = e^(-k306.6)

taking natural log on both side

ln(0.5) = -k(306.6)

k = 2.26* 10^(-3)

for 86 % completion

0.86 = 1 - e^{-2.26* 10^(-3) * t^(2.1)}

e^{-2.26* 10^(-3) * t^(2.1)} = 0.14

-2.26* 10^(-3) * t^(2.1) = ln(0.14)

t^(2.1) = 869.96

t = 25.10 sec

A hot brass plate is having its upper surface cooled by impinging jet of air at temperature of 15°C and convection heat transfer coefficient of 220 W/m^2•K. The 10-cm thick brass plate (rho = 8530 kg/m^3, cp = 380 J/kg•K, k = 110 W/m•K, and α = 33.9×10^–6 m^2/s) has a uniform initial temperature of 900°C, and the bottom surface of the plate is insulated. Required:
Determine the temperature at the center plane of the brass plate after 3 minutes of cooling.





STEP ONE: The first step to take in order to solve this particular Question or problem is to find or determine the Biot value.

Biot value = (heat transfer coefficient × length) ÷ thermal conductivity.

Biot value = (220 × 0.1)÷ 110 = 0.2.

Biot value = 0.2.

STEP TWO: Determine the Fourier number. Since the Biot value is greater than 0.1. Tis can be done by making use of the formula below;

Fourier number = thermal diffusivity × time ÷ (length)^2.

Fourier number = (3 × 60 × 33.9 × 10^-6)/( 0.1)^2 = 0.6102.

STEP THREE: This is the last step for the question, here we will be calculating the temperature of the center plane of the brass plate after 3 minutes.

Thus, the temperature of the center plane of the brass plane after 3 minutes = (1.00705) (0.89199) (900- 15) + 15.

= > the temperature of the center plane of the brass plane after 3 minutes = 809.98°C.

Write a Python program that does the following. Create a string that is a long series of words separated by spaces. The string is your own creative choice. It can be names, favorite foods, animals, anything. Just make it up yourself. Do not copy the string from another source. Turn the string into a list of words using split. Delete three words from the list, but delete each one using a different kind of Python operation. Sort the list. Add new words to the list (three or more) using three different kinds of Python operation. Turn the list of words back into a single string using join. Print the string.



The code is attached.


I created a string s including 6 colors with spaces in between. Then I converted the string into a list x by using split() method. I used three different methods for removing elements from the list. These methods are remove(), pop() and del.

\n Then I used methods append(), insert() and extend() for adding elements to the list.

\n Finally I converted list into a string using join() and adding space in between the elements of the list.

three string are attached to a small metal ring, two of the strings make and angle of 35° with the vertical and each is pulled with a force of 7Newton. What force must be applied to the third string to keep the rings stationary?​


No clue sorry man I would help but I need help too

Which of the following expressions causes an implicit conversion between types? Assume variable x is an integer, t is a float, and name is a string.Group of answer choices7.5 + (x / 2)x + 2 * x"Hello, " + str(name)print(str(t))


x + 2 * x is the correct option. The above-selected option demonstrates implicit conversion, which is an automated type of conversion. Thus, option B is correct.

The series of conversions are necessary to change the type of a function call's argument to that of the parameter with the same name in the function declaration is known as an implicit conversion sequence. For each parameter, the compiler tries to identify an implicit conversion sequence.

If both user-defined conversion sequences A and B contain the same user-defined conversion function or constructor, and if the second standard conversion sequence of A is superior to the second standard conversion sequence of B, then user-defined conversion sequence A is preferable to user-defined conversion sequence B.

Learn more about implicit conversion here:

