If you need speeds of 16 Mbps between two corporate sites in the United States, you would need a ________ leased line. T1 T3 OC3 None of these


Answer 1




A T3 is an acronym for Transmission system 3 and it is also known as Digital Signal Level 3 (DS3). T3 is a point-to-point physical circuit connection which is capable of transmitting up to 44.736Mbps.

This simply means that, when using a Transmission system 3 (T3), it is very much possible or easier to transmit data such as video and audio at the rate of 44.736Mbps.

Please note, Mbps represents megabit per seconds and it is a unit for the measurement of data transmission rate. The Transmission system 3 is an internet connection that has up to 672 circuit channels having 64Kbs.

Also, worthy of note is the fact that a T3 line is made up of twenty-eight (28) Transmission system 1 lines (T1) each having a data transfer rate of 1.544Mbps.

Additionally, Transmission 3 lines are symmetrical and duplex and thus, has equal upload and download speeds. Therefore, transmissions can be done on T3 lines simultaneously without the data lines being clogged or jammed.

If you need speeds of 16 Mbps between two corporate sites in the United States, you would need a T3 leased line.

Generally, the T3 lines are mostly used for multichannel applications and uninterrupted high bandwidth consumptions such as Telemedicine, internet telephony, video conferencing, e-commerce etc.

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#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct complex{//structure of comlex number..

double real;

double img;


complex add_complex(complex n1,complex n2)//add_complex functrion to add 2 complex numbers..


   double a,b;//variables to hold the sum of real and imaginary.

   complex sum;//result sum complex number.

   a=n1.real+n2.real;//adding real parts.

   b=n1.img+n2.img;//adding imaginary parts..

   sum.real=a;//assinging values to sum.


   return sum;//returning complex number sum.


int main()


 complex c1,c2,sum;

 double a,b;

 cout<<"Enter values of c1"<<endl;




 cout<<"Enter values of c2"<<endl;





 cout<<"The sum is : "<<sum.real<<" + i"<<sum.img<<endl;

 return 0;



Enter values of c1

8.5 7.2

Enter values of c2

4.5 3.9

The sum is : 13 + i11.1


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Using your choice of pseudocode, C# or java, define a class for a Pig. A Pig object should have three attributes: a name, an age, and weight. Your class should have (i) a constructor that takes three arguments and copies them to the attributes; (ii) setters (mutators) and getter accessors) or properties (C#) for the attributes; (iii) a display method to display the Pig's attributes on screen; and (iv) a main() method that creates a Pig object, assigns values to its attributes, and displays them by calling the display method.



Following are the code to this question:

public class Pig //Defining class Pig


private String name; //Defining string variable name

private int age; // Defining integer variable age

private double weight; // Defining double variable weight

Pig (String name, int age, double weight)  //Defining parameterized constructor  


super(); //using super key

this.name = name; //holding value in name variable

this.age = age;  // holding value in age variable

this.weight = weight; // holding value in weight variable


String getName() //Defining method getName


return name; //return name value


void setName(String name) // Defining method setName    


this.name = name; //hold name value


int getAge() // Defining method getAge


return age; //return value


void setAge(int age) // Defining method setAge  


this.age = age; // hold age value


double getWeight()  //Defining method getWeight


return weight; //return weight value


void setWeight(double weight) //Defining method setWeight  


this.weight = weight; //hold weight value


void display() //Defining method display


System.out.println("Name:" + name + " Age:" + age + " Weight:" + weight); //print value


public static void main(String[] ar) //Defining main method


Pig onc = new Pig("Jig",5,14.5); //creating class object and called parameterized constructor  

onc.display();//calling display method




please find the attachment.


In the given java program, a class "Pig" is declared, in which three name, age, and weight is defined which differs in datatypes, in the next step, parameterized constructor, get and set method, and display method declared, which can be described as follows:

  • In the parameterized constructor, uses super and this keyword to call and holds parameter value.  
  • In the get method three methods "getName, getAge, and getWeight" are defined, that return method values, and the set method "setName, setAge, and setWeight" uses this keyword to hold value in its variables.
  • The display method is used to print all method store values by its variables name.
  • Inside the main method, class object "onc" is created, which stores the value in it and calls the display method that print value with a message.

Residential and business customers are paying different rates for water usage. Residential customers pay $0.005 per gallon for the first 6000 gallons. If the usage is more than 6000 gallons, the rate will be $0.007 per gallon after the first 6000 gallons. Business customers pay $0.006 per gallon for the first 8000 gallons. If the usage is more than 8000 gallons, the rate will be $0.008 per gallon after the first 8000 gallons. For example, a residential customer who has used 9000 gallons will pay $30 for the first 6000 gallons ($0.005 * 6000), plus $21 for the other 3000 gallons ($0.007 * 3000). The total bill will be $51. A business customer who has used 9000 gallons will pay $48 for the first 8000 gallons ($0.006 * 8000), plus $8 for the other 1000 gallons ($0.008 * 1000). The total bill will be $56. Write a program to do the following. Ask the user which type the customer it is and how many gallons of water have been used. Calculate and display the bill.



// here is program in Java.

// import package

import java.util.*;

// class definition

class Main


   // main method of the class

public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception



   // variable

   int gall;

   double cost=0;

       // object to read value from user

    Scanner scr=new Scanner(System.in);

     // ask user to enter type

    System.out.print("Enter customer type  (R for residential or B for business ):");

    // read type of customer

       char t=scr.next().charAt(0);



           System.out.print("enter the number of gallons:");

           //read number of gallons


           // if number of gallons are less or equal to 6000



           // calculate cost


           // print cost

           System.out.println("total cost is: "+cost);




           // calculate cost


            // print cost

            System.out.println("total cost is: "+cost);



       else if(t=='b'||t=='B')


           System.out.print("enter the number of gallons:");

           //read number of gallons


           // if number of gallons are less or equal to 8000



           // calculate cost


           // print cost

           System.out.println("total cost is: "+cost);



           {// calculate cost


            // print cost

            System.out.println("total cost is: "+cost);



   }catch(Exception ex){





Ask user to enter the type of customer and assign it to variable "t" with scanner object.If the customer type is business then read the number of gallons from user and assign it to variable "gall". Then calculate cost of gallons, if   gallons are less or equal to 8000 then multiply it with 0.006.And if gallons are greater than 8000, cost for  first 8000 will be multiply by 0.006 and   for rest gallons multiply with 0.008.Similarly if customer type is residential then for first 6000 gallons cost will be multiply by 0.005 and for rest it will  multiply by 0.007. Then print the cost.


Enter customer type  (R for residential or B for business ):r

enter the number of gallons:8000

total cost is: 44.0

Blender questions6. In the default 3-D view, which of the following changes depending on what actions are being carried out on the screen, and acts as the roadmap? (1 point)

the pivot point

the toolbar area

the view editor

the info header

7. You cannot use the manipulator widget to translate, define, rotate, or scale an object. (1 point)




Blender questions
6. In the default 3-D view, which of the following changes depending on what actions are being carried out on the screen, and acts as the roadmap? (1 point)

the pivot point

the toolbar area

the view editor

the info header

The correct answer is:

the pivot point

7. You cannot use the manipulator widget to translate, define, rotate, or scale an object. (1 point)



The correct answer is:
The Transformation manipulator widgets allow mouse controlled translation, rotation and scaling in the3D View.