How can volunteering yo help plan fundraiser for your team or club be a way to develop your strengths?


Answer 1


volunteering for a fund raiser is a good way of developing interpersonal skills that would prove to be very effective and useful in life and in your career path

this find raiser requires some skills. they have been listed below



during planning stage, you have to take into consideration how to make the fundraiser a successful event. you take into account the best activities that would raise the most money during the event. this planning skill is a useful life skill.


this is a people skill, you must be one who can build relationships, a good listener, a motivator. on the day of the event, you would likely meet with and talk to different persons. Even for the people that make up team, it would require social skills for you to get along with them

3. administrativeskills:

this skill would require how to set up a meeting, making proposals and also how to send letters appropriately.

eachoftheseskillsI havelistedareskillsthatwouldhelpyoutodevelopyourstrengthasaperson.

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a. Insertion sort


Insertion Sort is a sorting algorithm that places the input element at its suitable place in each pass.

Insertion sort is based on the idea that one element from the input elements is consumed in each iteration to find its correct position.

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I think the answer would be a chart. It is important for researchers to use the most effective chart to display their data results.

A graph or a table.

You can use a graph or a table to make the point muchstronger than just describing the data. A graph can be used to represent one ofmore sets of data graphically. A table in this case as compared to a graph isless effective because it only shows the data whereas the graph shows an interpretationof data. However, you can use a table from an excel sheer to enter raw data and make some complex andsimple calculations.

Bargain Bob's auto dealership sells vehicles. He sells Chrysler, Jeep, and Dodge brand vehicles. He tracks customer and manufacturer. Bob tracks only the main owner—all co-owners and co-signers are recorded elsewhere.Based on the description above, what is the maximum cardinality between each instance of "Customer" and "Vehicle?"


Based on the given description in the question, the maximum cardinality assignment of the customer and vehicle is; one customer to one vehicle mapping

Cardinal Mapping

Cardinality is simply defined as the mapping of entities or group of entities to a certain cardinal value. This means that cardinality seeks to highlight the relationship between two objects such as eggs in a crate or shoes on a rack.

Now, in this question, we see that the car dealer sells one car to a customer and tracks the customer and manufacturer for that particular vehicle. This is simply 1 to 1 mapping and as such the maximum cardinality assignment of the customer and vehicle is one (1) to one (1) mapping.

Read more on Mapping at;


Customer(1) - (1) Vehicle.


Cardinality is the mapping of entities or group of entities to a cardinal value. It tries to show the relationship between two objects like a cups in a shelf or plates in racks.

The car dealer in the question, sells one car to a customer and keep or prioritise the record of the main owner of the acquired vehicle. So the maximum cardinality assignment of the customer and vehicle is one (1) to one (1) mapping.

)Which of following can be thrown using the throwstatement?? Error

? Throwable

? Exception

? RuntimeException

? All of Given

? None of given



All of Given


The throw keywords can be used to throw any Throwable object. The syntax is :

throw <Throwable instance>

Note that Error and Exception are subclasses of Throwable while RuntimeException is a subclass of Exception. So the hierarchy is as follows:


-- Error

-- Exception

   -- RuntimeException

And all of these are valid throwable entities. As a result "All of Given" is the most appropriate option for this question.


The answer is B: throwable


Throwable is the super class of all exceptions

Direct current is produced by an electric motor. an armature. a solenoid. a battery.





I just did it

I believe D or A would be the answer. D for sure is correct

Write a statement that assigns total_coins with the sum of nickel_count and dime_count. Sample output for 100 nickels and 200 dimes is: 300


The statement which gives the sum of nickel and dime is written below :

total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

The statement required is written using Python 3 :

  • We could write these as a function :

deftotal(nickel_count, dime_count) :

total_coins =dime_count+nickel_count


total(100, 200)

#the function total takes in two arguments(number of nickels and number of dimes)

#assigns the varibale total_coins to the sum of nickel_count and dime_count

  • We could also write this in the form of a program which prompts users to enter values :

nickel_count = int(input('Enter count of nickel : '))

# User is prompted to enter number of nickels

dime_count = int(input('Enter count of dime : '))

# User is prompted to enter number of dimes

total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

#assigns the varibale total_coins to the sum of nickel_count and dime_count


#outputs the value of total_coins

Learn more :


total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count


The statement that performs the operation in the question is total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

Full Program (Written in Python)

nickel_count = int(input("Nickel Count: "))

dime_count = int(input("Dime Count: "))

total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

print("Total coins: ",total_coins)

The first two lines prompt user for nickel and dime count respectively

The third line adds the two coins categories together

The last line prints the total count of coins

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Language: JavaYour task is to complete the logic to manage a twenty-four-hour clock (no dates, just time) that tracksthe hours, minutes, and sections, and various operations to adjust the time. The framework for yourclock is in the Time class with the four methods you must complete.1.) advanceOneSecondâ A user calls this method to advance the clock by one second.a. When the seconds value reaches 60, it rolls over to zero.b. When the seconds roll over to zero, the minutes advance.So 00:00:59 rolls over to 00:01:00.c. When the minutes reach 60, they roll over and the hours advance.So 00:59:59 rolls over to 01:00:00.d. When the hours reach 24, they roll over to zero.So 23:59:59 rolls over to 00:00:00.2.) compareTo â The user wants to know if a second time is greater than or less than the timeobject called, assuming both are on the same date.a. Returns -1 if this Time is before otherTime.b. Returns 0 if this Time is the same as otherTime.c. Returns 1 if this Time is after otherTime.3.) add â Adds the hours, minutes, and seconds of another time (the offset) to the current timeobject. The time should ârolloverâ if it exceeds the end of a 24 hour period.4.) subtract â Subtracts the hours, minutes, and seconds of another time (the offset) fromthe current time object. The time should âroll backâ if it precedes the beginning of a 24 hourperiod.________________________________________________________________________package clock;/*** Objects of the Time class hold a time value for a* European-style 24 hour clock.* The value consists of hours, minutes and seconds.* The range of the value is 00:00:00 (midnight) to 23:59:59 (one* second before midnight).*/public class Time {private int hours;private int minutes;private int seconds;/*** Add one second to the current time.* When the seconds value reaches 60, it rolls over to zero.* When the seconds roll over to zero, the minutes advance.* So 00:00:59 rolls over to 00:01:00.* When the minutes reach 60, they roll over and the hours advance.* So 00:59:59 rolls over to 01:00:00.* When the hours reach 24, they roll over to zero.* So 23:59:59 rolls over to 00:00:00.*/public void advanceOneSecond(){}/*** Compare this time to otherTime.* Assumes that both times are in the same day.* Returns -1 if this Time is before otherTime.* Returns 0 if this Time is the same as otherTime.* Returns 1 if this Time is after otherTime.*/public int compareTo(Time otherTime){return 0;}/*** Add an offset to this Time.* Rolls over the hours, minutes and seconds fields when needed.*/public void add(Time offset){}/*** Subtract an offset from this Time.* Rolls over (under?) the hours, minutes and seconds fields when needed.*/public void subtract(Time offset){}