Science Experiments: What does Interpretation of Data mean?


Answer 1
It means you perform the experiment ... maybe several times ... you make
lots of measurements, and you collect a lot of numbers from the experiment. 
Then what have you got ?  You have tons of numbers.  That's your data. 

The numbers don't stand up on the paper and sing like a choir and tell you
the results of the experiment.  Somehow, at some point, YOU have to take
all the numbers, look them over, under, around, and through, from every
possible angle, and decide what the numbers are telling you. 
THAT's the interpretation of the data.

Answer 2
Answer: Interpretation is the act of explaining reframing or otherwise showing your own understanding of something. A person who translates one language into another is called an interpreter.

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4.88 kg


Amount of energy generated in 1 hour of exercise = 5500 kJ


Amount of energy generated in 2 hours of exercise = 5500*2 kJ


Amount of energy generated in 2 hours of exercise = 11000 kJ

Heat of vaporization of water = 40.6 kJ/mol

40.6 kJ of energy is required to vaporize 1 mole of water


11000 kJ of energy is required to vaporize (1/40.6) * 11000 mole of water

Moles of water = 270.936 moles

Molar mass of water = 18 g/mol

Mass = Moles * Molar mass = 270.936 * 18 g = 4876.8473 g


1 g = 0.001 kg

So, mass of water = 4.88 kg

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Arrange this letters plss1.tedsaturauntionsolu

I will give u 15 points ​


Answer: 1 . Unsaturated Solution

2. Saturated  Solution


1 ..tedsaturauntionsolu----------- Unsaturated Solution

2. ratedsatulutisoon--------------Saturated  Solution

 An Unsaturated solution is defined as  a  solution which contains  an amount of solute  that dissolves completely since the amount of solute  is still  less than the maximum amount that can readily dissolve in such solution and an additional amount of solute if added continues to dissove in the solution. Here the solution is still less than the equilibrium point.

example include. Addition of salt or sugar in water and it dissoves completely.

A saturated  solution is defined as A solution  which contains a maximum amount of solute that an additional solute will no longer be capable of being dissolved further since its equilibrium point has been reached.

Example- The addition of sugar to water till it no longer dissolves

Carbonated water is a saturated solution saturated with carbon as can be seen in the air bubbles  it gives offf in form of carbon.

An atom of element X has one more shell of electrons than an atom of beryllium, but it has one less valence electron than beryllium. Which element is element X?


Element X is sodium. Sodium has one less valence electron than beryllium and it has the electron configuration of 2,8,1, thus it has one more shell of electrons.




Which element is capable of forming long chains by forming single, double, or triple bonds with itself?


the answer is carbon
Catenation is the property by which it can make bonds with other carbon atoms to form long chains. Hence, carbon, with the least diffuse valence shell p orbital is capable of forming longer p-p sigma bonded chains of atoms than heavier elements which bond via higher valence shell orbitals.

Which structure is found in a plant cell but not in a animal cell is ita. chloroplast
b. cell membrane or
c. ribosome


The one on the left is an animal cell and the one on the right is a plant cell, the answer is chloroplast


A.) Chloroplast


Chloroplasts are found in plant cells but not in animal cells. The chloroplast is the organelle that captures light energy and is the site where photosynthesis occurs.