Which molecule has a nonpolar covalent bond?


Answer 1
Answer: Nonpolar covalent bonds are chemical bonds where two atoms share a pair of electrons with each other and the electronegativities of the two atoms are equal. An example is methane. It has four carbon-hydrogen single covalent bonds. These bonds are nonpolar because the electrons are shared equally.
Answer 2

Final answer:

Nonpolar covalent bonds form when two atoms of the same element or different elements share electrons equally, resulting in a balanced charge distribution. Examples include Methane (CH4) and molecular oxygen (O2). Another case is the CO2 molecule, which is nonpolar because its polar bond moments cancel out.


This leads to a balanced distribution of charges in the molecule, making it nonpolar. Methane, for instance, consists of a carbon atom that shares four electrons equally with four hydrogen atoms, resulting in a bond where the difference in electronegativity between the carbon and hydrogen atoms is minimal.

Another case is CO₂ where the molecule, though consisting of polar bonds, is overall nonpolar because the geometric layout of the molecule allows for the bond moments to cancel each other out, hence no region of the molecule is more positive or negative than any other. Considering the geometry of the molecule is essential when determining the polarity of a molecule with more than one bond.

Learn more about Nonpolar Covalent Bonds here:



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The physical process of evaporation involves...



The physical process of evaporation involves (1) addition of heat energy and (2) increase in entropy


During evaporation, liquid molecules convert into gas molecules. As gas molecules has negligible intermolecular force as compared to liquid molecules therefore heat energy has to be applied to separate liquid molecules by breaking intermolecular force and convert them into gas

Again, gas molecules are free to move. Hence they possesses more degrees of freedom. Therefore gas molecules have higher entropy than liquid molecules. So entropy increases during evaporation.

When anything turns from a liquid to a gas, evaporation occurs. Water evaporates when it is heated. The molecules move and vibrate at such a rapid rate that they release water vapour molecules into the atmosphere. The physical process of evaporation involves an increase in entropy .

Liquid molecules change into gas molecules during evaporation. Since gas molecules have a far lower intermolecular force than liquid molecules, heat energy must be used to dissolve the bonds between liquid molecules and turn them into gas.

Gas molecules can travel freely once more. As a result, they have more degrees of freedom. As a result, the entropy of gas molecules is larger than that of liquid molecules. As a result, entropy grows during evaporation.

To know more about evaporation, visit;



Claculate the molar mass of sodium sulphate na2so4


Na₂SO₄ = 23 * 2 + 32 + 16 * 4 = 142.0 g/mol

hope this helps!

How is Carbon obtained and how is it separated from other substances nearby?


Carbon is a naturally occurring element that can be obtained from various sources, both organic and inorganic. It is separated from other substances by Filtration, Distillation, and Chemical Reactions.

Carbon is the fourth-most abundant element in the universe and is a key component of all known life forms. Here are some common methods for obtaining and separating carbon from other substances:

Organic Sources: Carbon is a fundamental element in organic compounds, which are compounds containing carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen and other elements. Organic sources of carbon include:

Fossil Fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas are rich in carbon. Carbon can be obtained from these sources through processes like combustion, pyrolysis, or gasification.

Biomass: Plant and animal matter, such as wood, leaves, and agricultural residues, contain carbon. Carbon can be extracted from biomass through processes like carbonization or fermentation.

Inorganic Sources: Carbon can also be obtained from various inorganic sources:

Carbonates: Minerals like limestone (calcium carbonate) and dolomite contain carbon in the form of carbonate ions. Carbonates can be thermally decomposed to release carbon dioxide gas, which can then be captured and processed.

Graphite and Diamond: These are naturally occurring forms of carbon. Graphite can be obtained from certain rocks and is used in various industrial applications. Diamonds, although much rarer, are another crystalline form of carbon.

Separation from Other Substances:

Filtration: If carbon is present in a solid mixture, it can be separated using filtration. A porous material (filter paper or a sieve) is used to separate solid carbon particles from other substances based on particle size.

Distillation: If carbon is mixed with liquids that have different boiling points, distillation can be used. The mixture is heated, and the component with the lower boiling point (liquid) vaporizes first, while carbon remains in the original container.

Chemical Reactions: Carbon can be separated from other substances through chemical reactions. For example, carbonates can be treated with acid to produce carbon dioxide gas, leaving behind other components.

To know more about Carbon here




Carbon products are obtained by heating coal (to give coke), natural gas (to give blacks), or carbonaceous material of vegetable or animal origin, such as wood or bone (to give charcoal), at elevated temperatures in the presence of insufficient oxygen to allow combustion.


A nuclear family consists of


A biological mother, A biological father and a child

Final answer:

A nuclear family consists of two parents and their children, living together without any other relatives. It is seen as the core unit of a family structure.


A nuclear family, also referred to as an elementary family, is a family group that typically consists of two parents and their children. It is considered the smallest family unit and is widely seen across different cultures and societies. This family structure is contrasted with extended family, which includes other relatives like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

For example, if there's a mother, father, and two children in a household, with no other relatives living with them, that is a nuclear family. The term 'nuclear' is used to denote that this unit is the core, central part of the family from which other members branch out.

Learn more about Nuclear Family here:



Which structural formula represents 1,1 dibromopropane


The structural formula of 1, 1 dibromo propane is C₃H₆Br₂.

What is dibromopropane?

It is an organobromine compound. It is a colorless liquid. It is fpmed by the reaction of allyl bromide and hydrogen bromide.

It is used in organic synthesis of compounds.

Thus, the structural formula of 1, 1 dibromo propane is C₃H₆Br₂.

Learn more about dibromopropane



CHBr2-CH2-CH3 Both bromide groups on the same carbon

Chemistry Help:This reaction describes cellular respiration.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

Which compounds are the reactants and which are the products?

reactants: C6H12O6 + 6O2

products: 6CO2 + 6H2O

reactants: 6CO2 + 6H2O

products: C6H12O6 + 6O2

reactants: 6CO2 + C6H12O6

products: 6H2O + 6O2

reactants: 6H2O + 6O26CO2 + C6H12O6

products: 6CO2 + C6H12O6


It's answer A!
Reactants on left (see on the arrow), products on right.

Final answer:

For the given chemical equation illustrating cellular respiration, the reactants comprise glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen (6O2), and the products are carbon dioxide (6CO2) and water (6H2O). This symbolizes how in living cells, glucose and oxygen are transformed into energy, leading to the release of carbon dioxide and water as byproducts.


In the given chemical equation for cellular respiration, C6H12O6 (glucose) and 6O2 (oxygen) are the reactants and 6CO2 (carbon dioxide) and 6H2O (water) are the products.

This represents the process in living cells where glucose and oxygen are transformed into energy, releasing carbon dioxide and water as byproducts. Therefore, the correct answer is option A: Reactants are C6H12O6 + 6O2 and products are 6CO2 + 6H2O.

Learn more about Cellular Respiration here:

