The method of dividing the project scope into many parts that, when combined, would constitute the project deliverable is called _____:


Answer 1




This is a technique used to divide and subdivide the scope of the project and the future to deliver, in smaller and more manageable parts. It is defined what work is going to be done and which is not. It is a hierarchical decomposition oriented to the deliverable product of work and achieve the objectives of the project.

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The KISS principle.

Keep It Simple, Stupid.


The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple (not simpler) rather than if they are made complicated. That is to say that, simplicity should be the most important thing (key goal) in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.

For example to persuade someone, use simple and clear language rather than complex big grammar(erudition). Use words that people will easily understand. Keep sentences short and straight to the point. Use straightforward sentence construction. If speaking to a group, speak so the person least likely to understand that way you would use the simplest of languages, thus making it possible for everyone to understand you.

An example of where the KISS principle was ignored:

A politician who wants to reform both tax and local services, and use the message, 'You pay your tax, we alleviate your poverty'.

Consequences: People may not comply because they don't understand what alleviation of poverty means.

An Example of where the KISS principle was followed and its consequences:

A marketer that works to find a simple message for promoting toothpaste and might come up with 'For a cleaner, brighter, happier life'.

Consequences: He will have more sells and more customers because everyone understands what he is talking about.


Keep It Simple


QUESTION 1"Cause and effect" relationships may be discovered in both genuine correlations and spurious correlations.


Correlation and causality can seem deceptively similar. But recognizing their differences can be the make or break between wasting efforts on low-value features and creating a product that your customers can’t stop raving about.

In this piece we are going to focus on correlation and causation as it relates specifically to building digital products and understanding user behavior. Product managers, data scientists, and analysts will find this useful for leveraging the right insights for product growth, such as whether certain features impact user retention or engagement.

Nina and Mitch, a cohabiting couple, have been deeply attracted to each other since their college years. This gives them both a deep and fulfilling sense of sexual well-being. After graduating from college, Nina has been able to find a good deal for an apartment for them, and have agreed to share the rent. Seeing that they are extremely cooperative and committed to each other, Mitch has come to believe that the thread that binds them together is sacred. The deep desire for each other and the sexual fulfillment in the relationship between Nina and Mitch points to which characteristic of commitment?

a) Sexual well-being
b) Attraction
c) Serial monogamy
d) Moral-normative perception
e) External constraints



b) Attraction


The deep desire for each other and the sexual fulfillment in the relationship between Nina and Mitch point to both an emotional and physical attraction for each other. Furthermore, it points out that this attraction is being met, leaving both satisfied with the relationship that is being established.

Final answer:

The deep sense of commitment between Nina and Mitch is best characterized by moral-normative perception. Mitch regards their relationship as 'sacred,' reflecting an obligation based on personal beliefs and moral values, which represents the essence of moral-normative perception.


The commitment between Nina and Mitch, as depicted in the question, is best characterized by d) Moral-normative perception. While sexual well-being and attraction are crucial to their relationship, the question points out a deeper, more profound level of commitment. Moral-normative perception refers to the sense of obligation or duty to continue a relationship based on personal beliefs, moral values, or societal norms.

In this case, Mitch regards their relationship as 'sacred,' indicating a commitment that transcends physical attraction or convenience. This suggests a moral-normative viewpoint, as it encompasses the belief in the sanctity and importance of their partnership. Despite attraction and sexual well-being being parts of their relationship, the moral-normative perception is what defines their commitment.

Learn more about Moral-normative perception here:


Skinner's explanation of language could not fully explain how humans learn languages because:


Skinner, a behavioral psychologist, viewed babies as empty vessels that language had to be put into. Language acquisition, in Skinner's view, was a cognitive behavior of learning by imitation, and believed that operant conditioning affected the child's acquisition of language. Limitations of Skinner's theory are that observations of parent/child language use rarely show parents correcting their child's grammar as would be necessary for operant conditioning; that children may be unable to repeat what their parents say in some circumstances; and that children not fluent by 7 may be unable to catch up.

Which of the following results is NOT a way that trade can benefit all parties involved? A. Trade can encourage economic growth for both sides that participate. B. Trade can help citizens enjoy higher standards of living. C. Trade can provide a greater variety of goods and services for all parties. D. Trade can keep countries from specializing in producing certain goods.



it is D

Explanation:because i did the test and put b like the girl said and i got it wrong and it said it was D

My brother keeps telling on me and won't stop I need help to stop him from telling every 30 seconds


Try talking to him. And if that doesn’t work tell on him every 30 seconds.


Tell on your brother


Tell your parents that he keeps on telling on you for no reason they should believe you

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