What reaction conditions most effectively conver a cabocxylic acid to a methly ester?


Answer 1


Esterification reaction


When we have to go from an acid to an ester we can use the esterification reaction. On this reaction, an alcohol reacts with a carboxylic acid on acid medium to produce an ester and water. (See figure).  

In this case, we need the methyl ester, therefore we have to choose the appropriate alcohol, so we have to use the methanol as reactive if we have to produce the methyl ester.

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m = pVol

p : copper density 

Vol: volume

Vol = Al

A: area

L: length

m = p * A * L

L = m/p*A

To find the total resistance

Rtotal = R per Km * L/1000 

Actually I think the question is missing the copper density.

What is the correct formula for phosphorus pentachloride? (a) PCl5 (b) P5Cl (c) P(ClO)5 (d) PO4Cl (e) PCIO



(a) PCl_5



In this case, such nomenclature expresses the amount of both phosphorous and chlorine atoms via prefixes for the sub indexes of each atom into the molecule, thus, as phosphorous is prefixless one infers that there is just one phosphorous and five chlorides since the prefix for such atom is penta. Therefore, the correct formula is:


Hence, the answer is (a)

Best regards.


The correct formula for phosphorus pentachloride is a) PCl5

Which factor is likely to impact the possible number of compounds?



The correct answer is the tendency of all the elements to react with every other element.  


A component in which two or more elements are bonded chemically leads to the production of a compound. A compound refers to a pure component as it comprises elements that are in their pure state. The formation of a compound takes place when the elements react with each other based upon their reactivity.  

For example, the element chlorine is deficient of one electron and the element sodium exhibits one additional electron. Thus, chlorine easily reacts with the sodium in order to obtain stability. Therefore, the formation of sodium chloride takes place. Hence, it can be concluded that the tendency of all the elements to react with every other element is the condition, which is possible to influence the probable number of compounds.

the impact of possible number of compounds is the ability of all elements to react with every other atoms

When 1-iodo-1-methylcyclohexane is treated with NaOCH2CH3 as the base, the more highly substituted alkene product predominates. When KOC(CH3)3 is used as the base, the less highly substituted alkene predominates. Give the structures of the two products and offer an explanation.



See explanation


In this case, we have 2 types of reactions. CH_3CH_2ONa is a strong base but only has 2 carbons therefore we will have less steric hindrance in this base. So,  the base can remove hydrogens that are bonded on carbons 1 or 6, therefore, we will have a more substituted alkene (1-methylcyclohex-1-ene).

For the  KOC(CH_3)_3 we have more steric hindrance. So, we can remove only the hydrogens from carbon 7 and we will produce a less substituted alkene (methylenecyclohexane).

See figure 1

I hope it helps!

What is the mass of oxygen in 250 go of sulfiric acid, H2CO4


Hope this helps you.

Your answer is 160 grams I hope this helps

Which yield comes from measurements obtained during a real experiment?A) actual yield
B) theoretical yield
C) percent yield



A) actual yield


Theoretical yield is the amount of product expected based on the stoichiomety.

Percent yield is the actual yield over the theoretical yield.