g Write a line of code to invoke a function named RandNum, which accepts no parameters, and storing the return value in a variable called num (which has already been defined). Separate each item with 1 space (except around the parentheses), and end the line with a semi-colon.


Answer 1


public int RandNum();

* Assuming it returns an integer


I believe you mean to write the function header of randNum.

To write the header of the function, we need to specify its return type, name, parenthesis and parameters inside the parenthesis - if exist.

If it returns an integer it should have int, if it returns a double it should have double in the header. In the answer, I assumed it returns an integer.

The name is already given, RandNum

Since, the function does not take any parameter, inside of the parenthesis will be empty.

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viewRatings(string, int) Takes a username and a minimum rating value. It prints all the books that the user has rated with a value greater than or equal to the minimum rating value. The function does not return anything.



def ViewRatings(str, rating):

   for book in books:

       if r >= rating:


ViewRatings("emma", 3)


* The code is in Python.

Since the are missing parts in your question. I am assuming there is a books list and there is a rating, r for each book.

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Following are the code to this question:

public class Pig //Defining class Pig


private String name; //Defining string variable name

private int age; // Defining integer variable age

private double weight; // Defining double variable weight

Pig (String name, int age, double weight)  //Defining parameterized constructor  


super(); //using super key

this.name = name; //holding value in name variable

this.age = age;  // holding value in age variable

this.weight = weight; // holding value in weight variable


String getName() //Defining method getName


return name; //return name value


void setName(String name) // Defining method setName    


this.name = name; //hold name value


int getAge() // Defining method getAge


return age; //return value


void setAge(int age) // Defining method setAge  


this.age = age; // hold age value


double getWeight()  //Defining method getWeight


return weight; //return weight value


void setWeight(double weight) //Defining method setWeight  


this.weight = weight; //hold weight value


void display() //Defining method display


System.out.println("Name:" + name + " Age:" + age + " Weight:" + weight); //print value


public static void main(String[] ar) //Defining main method


Pig onc = new Pig("Jig",5,14.5); //creating class object and called parameterized constructor  

onc.display();//calling display method




please find the attachment.


In the given java program, a class "Pig" is declared, in which three name, age, and weight is defined which differs in datatypes, in the next step, parameterized constructor, get and set method, and display method declared, which can be described as follows:

  • In the parameterized constructor, uses super and this keyword to call and holds parameter value.  
  • In the get method three methods "getName, getAge, and getWeight" are defined, that return method values, and the set method "setName, setAge, and setWeight" uses this keyword to hold value in its variables.
  • The display method is used to print all method store values by its variables name.
  • Inside the main method, class object "onc" is created, which stores the value in it and calls the display method that print value with a message.

When do you need to apply for program completion andreview?a. 1-2 semesters before program completion

b. one month before program completion

c. a couple of weeks before program completion

d.Never, you don’t need to complete any paperwork to prepare for program completion



d. Never, you don’t need to complete any paperwork to prepare for program completion


Program completion is depends on completion of your course work and successful thesis defense. If all the requirements to complete the program are successfully completed with required grades university/ Institute will automatically  complete your program. In case you have any requirement left or any course having grade 'F' your program will not be considered as completed. In case if you want to improve some grade or revise some course you should write to the university that you want improve some course or grade.

So, there is no need to complete any paper work to prepare for program completion.

Hello,Can you please help me with the following questions:
3. You enjoy technical matters, have a background in computer science and enjoy coding and playing video games in your free time. Which video game industry job would best match your profile?
a. Game tester
b. Producer
c. Programmer
d. Video game artist

6. Which of the following is an essential skill for game testers?
a. Thorough understanding of Java and C++
b. Technical drawing
c. Technical writing
d. Project management

9. Which of the following skills is the most important when applying for a game artist job?
a. Degree in arts
b. Strong art portfolio
c. Previous game testing experience
d, knowledge of scripting and codeing

10. The Stencyl program is recommended for ______.
a. creating 2D games
b. creating 3D games
c. Starting to learn to program
d. creating gaming art

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a. Game programming with a focus on languages
b. Translation
c. Game localization
d. Cultural gaming

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a. Java
b. C Sharp
c. C++
d. SQL

13. Which of the following statements is NOT true about internships?
a. internships offer great opportunity to create and build connections within the industry.
b. Internships lead to a job offer upon successful completion
c. Internships offer an opportunity to get first-hand experience of the industry
d. Internships can be paid or unpaid

15. What is the best approach to take if you have not heard back from a company after applying for a job?
a. Wait, sometimes it takes time to process application and impatience can give a bad impression
b. Visit the company site personally to inquire about the status of your application
c. Try to find out on which side the process may be stalling and take appropriate steps to get the process moving forward, when possible
d. Reapply

18. You are applying for a game programmer job at a reputable gaming company. Your application may stand the best chance of being noticed if you include which of the following in your application?
a. List of all degrees and courses you have taken to acquire and hone your programming skills
b. Portfolio including samples of codes you have created
c. Portfolio including playable video game demo.
d. Portfolio of your artwork.

19. Which of the following is the most important item to include in your CV?
a. All gaming projects you have worked on, paid or unpaid.
b. Extracurricular activities related to gaming.
c. Major accomplishments
d. Short samples of code or technical writing samples.

20. Which of the following job hunting practices is the least effective?
a. Posting CV on job boards.
b. Searching for jobs on job posting sites
c. Doing an internship
d. Applying for a specific job posting via company website



C, C, B, C, C, B, B or D, D, A or C, A, D


I am not taking whatever course you are taking, but I would like to know what you're taking. I have only answered the questions to the best of my abilities, so they might be wrong. Next time please award more points for a question so long.

Describe how a web browser and web server work together to send a web page to a user


TCP/IP, a network protocol, is used by a browser to connect to a web server and launch a Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The HTTP tries to get info and provide it for displays.

What is a web page?

A web page is a straightforward document that a browser can see. These documents are created using the HTML coding system. Tsi involves the data and the content that can be presented online.

The consumer must either type in URL for the page they want to access via the web or click on the hyperlink that contains the URL.

The Ip identifies the Website browser's Web address, and for the Search engine to comprehend it, they must both utilize the very same normal procedure. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the preferred means of communication here between a web browser and a server (HTTP).

Learn more about web page, here:



In order to get a page from the web , the user must type the Internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the page he or she wants, or click on the link that provides the URL. The URL specifies the Internet address of the Web browser to be understood by the Web browser, they must use the same standard protocol. The standard protocol for communication between Web browser and a Web server is Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).