When law enforcement becomes involved, the need may arise to freeze systems as part of the evidence. There is also the likelihood that the incident will become known publicly. Do you think these issues play a significant part in the decision to involve law enforcement? Why or why not? Can you name some situations in which you believe that large organizations have decided not to involve law enforcement?


Answer 1


Costs will cover a need for more customer data. The further explanation is given below.


  • It's the greatest problem for almost every company to provide the data with security.
  • This is possible for highly trained practitioners and the technical staff to take charge of it.
  • Complicated technologies would have been going to run together again to withstand these types of jobs.
  • Such problems play a major part in the decision-making process affecting the law enforcement authorities to locate the suspects to strengthen the organization.
  • To do something like this, there seem to be a lot of other good initiatives out there doing it.

There have been some cases in which major corporations have chosen not to include law enforcement:

  • There are many more electronic corruption going on, including money robbery, asset fraud, as well as machine assaults.
  • In such a bigger case, numerous institutions, such as large-scale ones, have gone through these circumstances to evaluate law enforcement to come to terms with cybersecurity.

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To return the value of the cell D8, the formula should be OFFSETA1=________.



The formula is =OFFSET( A1, 7,3,1,1 )


Microsoft excel is a statistical and analytical tool for data management and analysis. Its working environment is called a worksheet. The worksheets are made up of rows and columns also known as records and fields respectively.

Functions like OFFSET in excel is used to return a cell or group of cells. It gets the position to turn by start getting a starting port, then the number of records below it and the fields after, then the length and width of cells to return.

syntax:   =OFFSET( "starting cell", "number of rows below", "number of columns after", "height of cells to return", "width of cells to return" )

_________ is a business strategy in which a company purchases its upstream suppliers to ensure that its essential supplies are available as soon as the company needs them.The bullwhip effect

Vertical integration





Vertical Integration


Vertical Integration is a business strategy in which a company purchases its upstream suppliers to ensure that its essential supplies are available as soon as the company needs them.  This enables the business to exercise higher control over supply related uncertainties and to optimize supplies based on changing demand or business priorities.

An example can be a textile manufacturer purchasing a dye manufacturing unit.

Write an algorithm that gets as input your current credit card balance, the total dollar amount of new purchases, and the total dollar amount of all payments. The algorithm computes the new balance, which this time includes an 8% interest charge on any unpaid balance below $100 , 12% interest on any unpaid balance between $100 and $500, inclusive, and 16% on any unpaid balance about $500.



balance = float(input("Enter the current credit card balance: "))

purchases = float(input("Enter the amount of new purchases: "))

payments = float(input("Enter the amount of all payments: "))

unpaid = purchases - payments

if unpaid >= 0 and unpaid < 100:

   balance = balance + payments - purchases - (unpaid * 0.08)

elif unpaid >= 100 and unpaid <= 500:

   balance = balance + payments - purchases - (unpaid * 0.12)


   balance = balance + payments - purchases - (unpaid * 0.16)


print("The balance is " + str(balance))


*The code is in Python.

Ask the user to enter the balance, amount of purchases, and amount of payments

Calculate the unpaid balance, subtract payments from purchases

Check the unpaid balance. If it is smaller than 100, calculate the new balance, add payments, subtract purchases and the 8% interest of unpaid balance. If it is between 100 and 500, calculate the new balance, add payments, subtract purchases and the 12% interest of unpaid balance. If it is greater than 500, calculate the new balance, add payments, subtract purchases and the 16% interest of unpaid balance

Print the balance

Suppose you are given a stack of n pancakes of different sizes. You want to sort the pancakes so that smaller pancakes are on top of larger pancakes. The only operation you can perform is a flip—insert a spatula under the top k pancakes, for some integer k between 1 and n, and flip them all over. Describe an algorithm to sort an arbitrary stack of n pancakes using O(n) flips. [Hint: This problem sounds a bit like the "Tower of Hanoi" probem that you may have encountered in other classes. But don’t be fooled! The solution looks very different.]



We will use the following approach to solve the problem:


1. We will identify the largest pancake in the given stack of pancakes, then insert the spatula below that pancake and flip the entire stack consisting of that largest identified pancake and all other pancakes on the top of it. Now the largest pancake will be on the top of the stack. Now insert the spatula at the bottom of stack and flip. In this way the largest pancake will become the bottommost pancake.

Now identify the next second largest pancake and repeat above process, keep on relating that until all are sorted.

This requires almost 2n-3 flips in worst case. ( For n pancakes). So the time complexity is O(n)

2n because one flip is required to bring pancake at top, then in 2nd flip it goes to bottom.

-3 because, the stack becomes sorted once the 2nd last pancake comes to the top. So next three steps are never required.

B) we want to find stack of n pancakes, that take omega (n) steps.

For that to happen, in worst case ( 2n-3 )>= cn , taking c=1

2n-3 >= n , => n >=3

So for n greater than or equal to 3 the condition holds.

When people receive benefits just because they belong to a particular identity group, this is called




Define a forest root domain.


Answer: Forest root domain is used in the Active Directory forest for the first domain section.A domain is defined as the cluster of databases. This domains has Schema Admin groups and  Admin of enterprise.

Forest is defined as the boundaries inside which the accessing of the network can be done by the clients. Root is the section that is at the highest level in the complete domain name system.The combination of these two section form the forest root domain system.