Write a pseudocode thats accept and then find out whether the number is divisible by 5 ​


Answer 1


input number

calculate modulus of the number and 5

compare outcome to 0

if 0 then output "divisible by 5"

else output "not divisible by 5"


The modulo operator is key here. It returns the remainder after integer division. So 8 mod 5 for example is 3, since 5x1+3 = 8. Only if the outcome is 0, you know the number you divided is a multiple of 5.

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Following is given the data as required.

The images for histograms for age and gender are also attached below.

I hope it will help you!


Find the basic period and basic frequency of the function g(t)=8cos(10πt)+sin(15πt)



The period is


The frequency is



The period of both functions will be LCM of both period.

The period of cos is


The period of sin is


Let convert each into degrees.

(\pi)/(5)  = 36

(2\pi)/(15)  = 24

Find the least common multiple between 36 and 24, which is 72.

Convert 72 into radians

72 =  (2\pi)/(5)

The period is 2pi/5.

The frequency is equal to


so the frequency is

(1)/( (2\pi)/(5) )  =  (5)/(2\pi)

Which of the following is a central feature of agroup?interactionmutual influenceinterdependenceall of the given options


Answer: All of the above

Explanation: A group is considered as the collection of two or more constituents/individuals. The characteristics of the a group are interaction , interdependence,interaction etc. There is a sense of responsibility and trust to work to achieve goal by depending on each other is described as the interdependence and for this interaction between group is needed as to maintain good communication and also there is a influence of each other on each group member.

Create an application named TestSoccerPlayer that instantiates and displays a SoccerPlayer object. The SoccerPlayer class contains the following properties: Name - The player’s name ( a string) JerseyNum - The player's jersey number (an integer) Goals - Number of goals scored (an integer) Assists - Number of assists (an integer)



public class TestSoccerPlayer {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       SoccerPlayer playerOne = new SoccerPlayer("Rinco",9,16,22);

       System.out.println("The player of the season is "+playerOne.getName()+" His Jessey Number is "+playerOne.getJerseyNum()

       +" In the 2019/2020 season he scored and total of "+playerOne.getGoalsScored()+" and "+

               playerOne.getAssists()+" Asists");



See the SoccerPlayer class with the feilds and methods (constructor, getter and setters) in the explanation section


public class SoccerPlayer {

   private String name;

   private int jerseyNum;

   private int goalsScored;

   private int assists;

   public SoccerPlayer(String name, int jerseyNum, int goalsScored, int assists) {

       this.name = name;

       this.jerseyNum = jerseyNum;

       this.goalsScored = goalsScored;

       this.assists = assists;


   public String getName() {

       return name;


   public void setName(String name) {

       this.name = name;


   public int getJerseyNum() {

       return jerseyNum;


   public void setJerseyNum(int jerseyNum) {

       this.jerseyNum = jerseyNum;


   public int getGoalsScored() {

       return goalsScored;


   public void setGoalsScored(int goalsScored) {

       this.goalsScored = goalsScored;


   public int getAssists() {

       return assists;


   public void setAssists(int assists) {

       this.assists = assists;



What is the analysis and complexity of a shell sortalgorithms?


Answer: The shell sort is based on insertion sort. Here the list of elements are divided into smaller sub list which are sorted based on insertion sort.

Its best case time complexity is O(n* logn) and worst case is O(n* log^2 n)


Shell sort is an inplace sorting here we begin by dividing the list into sublist and sorting the list with insertion sort. We create interval for dividing the list into sub list until we reach the smallest interval of 1.

The best case is O(n* logn).

In an e-credit card transaction the clearinghouse plays the following role:A. validates and verifies the sellers payment information

B. initiates the transfer of money

C. transfers funds between the sellers bank and the buyers bank

D. all of the above



validates and verifies the seller's payment information- A.


Hi Samantha, i have a work with you.