Change the screen resolution so you can view more information on your screen. Use the resolution that enables you to fit the most information on the screen while still being able to read the display.Use the space below to indicate your screen resolution and to describe the steps you used to do this.


Answer 1


The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


My laptop's current screen resolution is (1366 by 768 recommended). When you change your screen resolution, your pc automatically suggests the recommended screen resolution that helps you to view more information on your screen and enable you to fit the most information on the screen while still being able to read the display.

To change the screen resolution, you need to go through from the following steps:

  1. Right-click on empty space of desktop.
  2. As you right-click, a list of options will open, select "display setting" among them
  3. A new setting window will get open, at the left of the window, among given option, click on the first option i.e "display"
  4. The content of the display setting gets open in the right area of the window. scroll down and find the "Scale and Layout"
  5. under scale and layout, you can change your screen resolution while selecting the different screen resolution. However, it is good to select the recommended screen resolution based on your screen size.

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See explaination


#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <cst dlib>

using namespace st d;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


int airplane[13][6];

char airchar[13][6];

string ticket;

int row[2];

char seat;


for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++)


airchar[i][j] = '*';

airplane[i][j] = 0;






cout<<"Rows 1 and 2 are first class (F C)"<<endl;

cout<<"Rows 3 through 7 are business class (B C)"<<endl;

cout<<"Rows 8 through 13 are economy class (E C)"<<endl;


cout<<"* - Available"<<endl;

cout<<"X - Occupied"<<endl;


cout<<" \t A\t B\t C\t D\t E\t F"<<endl;

cout<<"Row 1\t"<<airchar[0][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[0][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 2\t"<<airchar[1][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[1][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 3\t"<<airchar[2][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[2][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 4\t"<<airchar[3][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[3][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 5\t"<<airchar[4][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[4][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 6\t"<<airchar[5][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[5][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 7\t"<<airchar[6][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[6][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 8\t"<<airchar[7][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[7][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 9\t"<<airchar[8][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[8][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 10\t"<<airchar[9][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[9][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 11\t"<<airchar[10][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[10][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 12\t"<<airchar[11][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[11][1]<<"\t"



cout<<"Row 13\t"<<airchar[12][0]<<"\t"<<airchar[12][1]<<"\t"




cout<<"Enter Ticket type (F C, B C, or E C): ";


cout<<"Desired Row: ";


cout<<"Desired seat (A,B,C,D,E or F): ";




case 'A':

case 'a':

row[0] = row[0] - 1;

row[1] = 1;

row[1] = row[1] - 1;


case 'B':

case 'b':

row[0] = row[0] - 1;

row[1] = 2;

row[1] = row[1] - 1;


case 'C':

case 'c':

row[0] = row[0] - 1;

row[1] = 3;

row[1] = row[1] - 1;


case 'D':

case 'd':

row[0] = row[0] - 1;

row[1] = 4;

row[1] = row[1] - 1;


case 'E':

case 'e':

row[0] = row[0] - 1;

row[1] = 5;

row[1] = row[1] - 1;


case 'F':

case 'f':

row[0] = row[0] - 1;

row[1] = 6;

row[1] = row[1] - 1;



if(ticket == "F C")


if(row[0]+1 == 1 || row[0]+1 == 2)


if(airplane[row[0]][row[1]] == 0)


airplane[row[0]][row[1]] = 1;

airchar[row[0]][row[1]] = 'X';


else if(airplane[row[0]][row[1]] == 1)


cout<<"Message: Seat "<<row[0] + 1<<seat<<" is already occupied"<<endl;






cout<<"Wrong Class"<<endl;






else if(ticket == "B C")


if(row[0]+1 == 3 || row[0]+1 == 4 || row[0]+1 == 5

|| row[0]+1 == 6|| row[0]+1 == 7)


if(airplane[row[0]][row[1]] == 0)


airplane[row[0]][row[1]] = 1;

airchar[row[0]][row[1]] = 'X';


else if(airplane[row[0]][row[1]] == 1)


cout<<"Message: Seat "<<row[0] + 1<<seat<<" is already occupied"<<endl;






cout<<"Wrong Class"<<endl;






else if(ticket == "E C")


if(row[0]+1 == 8 || row[0]+1 == 9 || row[0]+1 == 10

|| row[0]+1 == 11|| row[0]+1 == 12|| row[0]+1 == 13)


if(airplane[row[0]][row[1]] == 0)


airplane[row[0]][row[1]] = 1;

airchar[row[0]][row[1]] = 'X';


else if(airplane[row[0]][row[1]] == 1)


cout<<"Message: Seat "<<row[0] + 1<<seat<<" is already occupied"<<endl;






cout<<"Wrong Class"<<endl;






row[0] = 0;

row[1] = 0;



return 0;


5. (a) Identify some key internet search engines



google, bing,yahoo,aol


Thank You!

Rom also called main memory or system memoryis used to stor the essential parts of the operating while the computer is running / true or false



But yes true, it’s a primary, volatile system

Suppose you are given a stack of n pancakes of different sizes. You want to sort the pancakes so that smaller pancakes are on top of larger pancakes. The only operation you can perform is a flip—insert a spatula under the top k pancakes, for some integer k between 1 and n, and flip them all over. Describe an algorithm to sort an arbitrary stack of n pancakes using O(n) flips. [Hint: This problem sounds a bit like the "Tower of Hanoi" probem that you may have encountered in other classes. But don’t be fooled! The solution looks very different.]



We will use the following approach to solve the problem:


1. We will identify the largest pancake in the given stack of pancakes, then insert the spatula below that pancake and flip the entire stack consisting of that largest identified pancake and all other pancakes on the top of it. Now the largest pancake will be on the top of the stack. Now insert the spatula at the bottom of stack and flip. In this way the largest pancake will become the bottommost pancake.

Now identify the next second largest pancake and repeat above process, keep on relating that until all are sorted.

This requires almost 2n-3 flips in worst case. ( For n pancakes). So the time complexity is O(n)

2n because one flip is required to bring pancake at top, then in 2nd flip it goes to bottom.

-3 because, the stack becomes sorted once the 2nd last pancake comes to the top. So next three steps are never required.

B) we want to find stack of n pancakes, that take omega (n) steps.

For that to happen, in worst case ( 2n-3 )>= cn , taking c=1

2n-3 >= n , => n >=3

So for n greater than or equal to 3 the condition holds.

Which of the following is NOT a typical action of the catch block?Select one:
a. Throwing the exception
b. Completely handling the exception
c. Rethrowing the same exception for the calling environment
d. Partially processing of the exception





because its throwing the exception

)when you classify data into groups and subgroups you are using a(n) ____ order?A. Circular

B. Hierarchical

C. Linear

D. Group



Explanation: Hierarchical order classifies the distribution of the data into the groups and their subgroups .The division of these groups and subgroups appear in the structure of pyramid generally.

The classification done in the hierarchical order is based on the authority on each level e.g.-the level with high authority is situated at higher level and below it, followed by its subgroup components.So, the correct option is option(B).

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