Heated air rises, cools, then falls. Air near the heater is replaced by cooler air, and the cycle repeats. A) Conduction B) Convection C) Radiation


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is A : conduction

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What is a wave ?

"Wave is a phenomenon or disturbance in which energy is transferred from one point to another without any direct contact between them." For example: Heat, light and sound is considered as a wave.

Know more about wave here




Other words for saying that a wave is transmitted through a medium would be a wave transfers from one medium into another.


A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place is called aa. wave.
b. medium.
c. vibration.
d. compression.


The term 'wave' is used to refer to a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another. Waves move energy, not matter, over distances.

The correct option is A.

In groundwater, a "wave" refers to the movement of water through porous subsurface materials, such as soil or rock. These waves can be influenced by various factors, including hydraulic gradients, geological properties, and recharge rates. Groundwater waves can propagate both vertically and horizontally, affecting the flow and distribution of groundwater in underground aquifers. Understanding these waves is crucial for managing and sustaining groundwater resources, as they impact water availability, quality, and the overall behavior of aquifer systems, influencing vital aspects of groundwater management and environmental conservation.

A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place is called a wave. Waves move energy, not matter, across distances. An easy example to visualize this concept is if you throw a pebble into a pond. The energy created by the pebble's impact causes ripples, or waves, to move out from the point of impact. In this case, the water itself doesn't travel across the pond - only the energy does. The other terms - medium, vibration, and compression, all play roles in the transmission of waves, but they are not the name for the energy transfer itself. A medium is what a wave moves through (like air or water), a vibration is a type of movement that can create waves, and a compression is a part of a certain kind of wave. However, the correct term for the energy transfer you're describing is 'wave'.

Hence The correct option is A.

Learn more about Wave here:



Answer: Option (a) is the correct answer:


A wave is defined as the transfer of energy from one place to another and no exchange of matter.

Whereas medium is a substance through which wave or energy can be transported from one point to another.

On the other hand, vibration is the back and froth motion of particles of a substance or matter.

And compression means to bring the particles of a substance together by increasing the pressure.

Thus, we can conclude that a disturbance that transfers energy from place to place is called a wave.

Forces always act in pairs.



Truer words were never written. Forces do indeed always act in pairs.

The answer to this question would be True

A 9.0 volt battery is connected to four resistors in a parallel circuit. The resistors have 7.0 Ω, 5.0 Ω, 4.0 Ω, and 2.0 Ω respectively. What is the total current in the circuit?


series,effective resistance =R₁+R₂+R₃...
parallel,effective resistance 1/R=1/R₁ +1/R₂ +1/R₃...
Here,effective resistance 1/R =1/7 +1/5+ 1/4+1/2  
                                       R = 1/1.092 =0.915Ω
voltage V=9 V 
current I=V/R
I=9 / 0.915
            =9.83 A
parallel resistance = (1)/(7)(1)/(5)(1)/(4)(1)/(2)

now , V= 9V
V = IR
I = (V)/(R)
I = (9)/(140) x 153
I = 9.835714 A