DSL is the abbreviation for?data service line

digital subscriber line

data subscriber line

digital service line

none of the above


Answer 1


digital subscriber line

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Write a loop that counts the number of space characters in a string. Recall that the space character is represented as ' '.



I am writing Python program.

string = input("Enter a string: ")

print(string.count(' '))


The first statement takes input string from the user.

input() is used to read the input from the user.

The next statement uses count() function to count the number of times the specified object which is space ' ' hereoccurs in the string.

The print() function is used to return the number of times the space occurs in the string entered by the user.


Enter a string: How are you doing today?


The screenshot of program and its output is attached.

A vowel word is a word that contains every vowel. Some examples of vowel words are sequoia, facetious, and dialogue. Determine if a word input by the user is a vowel word.



vowels = ("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")

word = input("Enter a word: ")

is_all = True

for c in vowels:

   if c not in word:

       is_all = False

if is_all == True:

   print(word + " is a vowel word.")


   print(word + " is not a vowel word.")


Initialize a tuple, vowels, containing every vowel

Ask the user to enter a word

Initially, set the is_all as True. This will be used to check, if every vowel is in word or not.

Create a for loop that iterates through the vowels. Inside the loop, check if each vowel is in the word or not. If one of the vowel is not in the vowels, set the is_all as False.

When the loop is done, check the is_all. If it is True, the word is a vowel word. Otherwise, it is not a vowel word.

What suggestions do you have for preventing scope creep in projects?



Scope creep is defined as the uncontrolled changes occur in the projects scope is known as scope creep. It basically occur when the project scope are not properly define and controlled.

Suggestions for preventing scope creep in projects are as follow:

  •   By using the online projects software and the software management help in prevent the scope creep in the projects.
  •   We should always focus on the projects requirements and must understand the main vision of the clients.
  •   There is no requirement of overdoing in projects rather keeping it simple and accurate according to the main requirements. otherwise, it may lead to scope creep.

Selector Next we will write a function that will help us select an output for the chatbot, based on the input it got.
The overall goal of this function is to take a list of words that we got as input, a list of words to check for if they appear in the input outputs to return if something from the list to check is in the input list.
Define a function, called selector.
This function should have the following inputs, outputs and internal procedures:
input_list - list of string
check_list - list of string
return_list - list of string
output - string, or None
Initialize output to None
Loop through each element in input_list
Use a conditional to check if the current element is in check_list
If it is, assign output as the returned value of calling the random.choice function on return_list
Also, break out of the loop
At the end of the function, return output Note that if we don't find any words from input_list that are in check_list, output will be returned as None.



See explaination


# Import required the module.

import random

# Define a function selector() which accepts the

# input_list, check_list, and return_list and

# returns a string named output.

def selector(input_list,check_list,return_list):

# Assign None to string variable output.


# Use for loop to traverse through input_list.

for i in range(len(input_list)):

# Check if element of an input_list is present

# in check_list.

if input_list[i] in check_list:

# Assign a random value from return_list

# to output.


# break out of the loop if input_list

# element is present in check_list.



return output

# Use assert statement to test a condition.

# If the condition is true, then program continues to

# execute, otherwise raises an AssertionError.

assert callable(selector)

assert selector(['is','in','of'],['of'], ['Yes']) == 'Yes'

assert selector(['is','in'],['of'], ['Yes','No']) == None

# Display the output.

print(selector(['is','in','of'],['of'], ['Yes']))

print(selector(['is','in'],['of'], ['Yes','No']))

1. (1 pt) Suppose you wish to run a program P with 37.5 x 109instructions on a 15 GHz machine with a CPI of 0.75. What is the expected CPU time to execute this program on this machine



Expected CPU time: 1.875 seconds.

Write a method called allDigitsOdd that returns whether every digit of a positive integer is odd. Return true if the number consists entirely of odd digits (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) and false if any of its digits are even (0, 2, 4, 6, 8). For example, the call allDigitsOdd(135319) returns true but allDigitsOdd(9145293) returns false.



Sample output:

Enter integer 3232423


Enter integer 12131231



Above is the output of the program and for the solution check the screenshots attach to understand clearly the program.
