Automobiles must be able to sustain a frontal impact. Specifically, the design must allow low speed impacts with little damage, while allowing the vehicle front end structure to deform and absorb impact energy at higher speeds. Consider a frontal impact test of a vehicle with a mass of 1000 kg. a. For a low speed test (v = 2.5 m/s), compute the energy in the vehicle just prior to impact. If the bumper is a pure elastic element, what is the effective design stiffness required to limit the bumper maximum deflection during impact to 4 cm? b. At a higher speed impact of v = 25 m/s, considerable deformation occurs. To absorb the energy, the front end of a vehicle is designed to deform while providing a nearly constant force. For this condition, what is the amount of energy that must be absorbed by the deformation [neglecting the energy stored in the elastic deformation in (a)? If it is desired to limit the deformation to 10 cm, what level of resistance force is required? What is the deacceleration of the vehicle in this condition?


Answer 1



The concept of Hooke's law was applied as it relates to deformation.

The detailed steps and appropriate substitution is as shown in the attached file.

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Njjhvgghjjjhhhhhhhb hhh. I h. I’ve. Know

1. An automobile travels along a straight road at 15.65 m/s through a 11.18 m/sspeed zone. A police car observed the automobile. At the instant that the two
vehicles are abreast of each other, the police car starts to pursue the automobile at
a constant acceleration of 1.96 m/s². The motorist noticed the police car in his rear
view mirror 12 s after the police car started the pursuit and applied his brakes and decelerates at 3.05 m/s². (Hint: The police will not go against the law.)
a) Find the total time required for the police car to overtake the automobile.
b) Find the total distance travelled by the police car while overtaking the
c) Find the speed of the police car at the time it overtakes the automobile.
d) Find the speed of the automobile at the time it was overtaken by the police car.



a.) Time = 17.13 seconds

b.) 31.88 m

c.) V = 11.18 m/s

d.) V = 7.1 m/s


The initial velocity U of the automobile is 15.65 m/s.

 At the instant that the two vehicles are abreast of each other, the police car starts to pursue the automobile with initial velocity U = 0 at a constant acceleration of 1.96 m/s². Because the police is starting from rest.

For the automobile, let us use first equation of motion

V = U - at.

Acceleration a is negative since it is decelerating with a = 3.05 m/s² . And

V = 0.

Substitute U and a into the formula

0 = 15.65 - 3.05t

15.65 = 3.05t

t = 15.65/3.05

t = 5.13 seconds

But the motorist noticed the police car in his rear view mirror 12 s after the police car started the pursuit and applied his brakes and decelerates at 3.05 m/s².

The total time required for the police car to overtake the automobile will be

12 + 5.13 = 17.13 seconds.

b.) Using the third equation of motion formula for the police car at V = 11.18 m/s and a = 1.96 m/s²

V^2 = U^2 + 2aS

Where S = distance travelled.

Substitute V and a into the formula

11.18^2 = 0 + 2 × 1.96 ×S

124.99 = 3.92S

S = 124.99/3.92

S = 31.88 m

c.) The speed of the police car at the time it overtakes the automobile will be in line with the speed zone which is 11.18 m/s

d.) That will be the final velocity V of the automobile car.

We will use third equation of motion to solve that.

V^2 = U^2 + 2as

V^2 = 15.65^2 - 2 × 3.05 × 31.88

V^2 = 244.9225 - 194.468

V = sqrt( 50.4545)

V = 7.1 m/s

What are the important factors needed to be considered while selecting a brake or clutch?



The correct answer is: the following factors are needed to properly consider while selecting a brake or clutch:







-Fluid power


-Key concepts

-Application notes

-Selection criteria


Clutches and brakes are important devices in many rotating drive systems, it is very important to guarantee the security and the proper function of them accomplishing a high quality parameters in those factors.

The average flow speed in a constant-diameter section of the Alaskan pipeline is 2.5 m/s. At the inlet, the pressure is 8.25 MPa (gage) and the elevation is 45 m; at the outlet, the pressure is 350 kPa (gage) and the elevation is 115 m. Calculate the head loss in this section of pipeline.



head loss = 805.327 m


given data

average flow speed v = 2.5 m/s

inlet pressure Pi = 8.25 MPa

elevation Zi =  45 m

outlet pressure Po = 350 kPa

elevation Zo = 115 m

we consider oil Specific Gravity = 0.92

to find out

head loss in this section of pipeline


we find here head loss that is inlet and outlet  

Hi = (Pi)/(\rho g) +(Vi^2)/(2g) +Zi    ..............1

put here value  

Hi = (8.25*10^6)/(920*9.81) +(2.5^2)/(2*9.81) +45

Hi = 959.425 m


Hout = (Pout)/(\rho g) +(Vout^2)/(2g) +Zout    ..............2

put here value  

H out = (350*10^3)/(920*9.81) +(2.5^2)/(2*9.81) +115  

H out = 154.098 m


head loss is = Hi - H out  

head loss is = 959.425 - 154.098  

head loss = 805.327 m

. In one stroke of a reciprocating compressor, helium is isothermally and reversibly compressed in a piston + cylinder from 298 K and 20 bars to 200 bars. Compute the heat removal and work required.





Please see attachment for step by step guide

Why or why not the following materials will make good candidates for the construction of a) Turbine blade for a jet turbine and
b) Thermal barrier coating. Cement, aluminum, engineering ceramic, super alloy, steel and glass



Answer explained below


3.] a] A turbine blade is the individual component which makes up the turbine section of a gas turbine. The blades are responsible for extracting energy from the high temperature, high pressure gas produced by the combustor.

The turbine blades are often the limiting component of gas turbines. To survive in this difficult environment, turbine blades often use exotic materials like superalloys and many different methods of cooling, such as internal air channels, boundary layer cooling, and thermal barrier coatings. The blade fatigue failure is one of the major source of outages in any steam turbines and gas turbines which is due to high dynamic stresses caused by blade vibration and resonance within the operating range of machinery.

To protect blades from these high dynamic stresses, friction dampers are used.

b] Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) are highly advanced materials systems usually applied to metallic surfaces, such as on gas turbine or aero-engine parts, operating at elevated temperatures, as a form ofexhaust heat management.

These 100μm to 2mm coatings serve to insulate components from large and prolonged heat loads by utilizing thermally insulating materials which can sustain an appreciable temperature difference between the load-bearing alloys and the coating surface.

In doing so, these coatings can allow for higher operating temperatures while limiting the thermal exposure of structural components, extending part life by reducing oxidation and thermal fatigue.

In conjunction with active film cooling, TBCs permit working fluid temperatures higher than the melting point of the metal airfoil in some turbine applications.

Due to increasing demand for higher engine operation (efficiency increases at higher temperatures), better durability/lifetime, and thinner coatings to reduce parasitic weight for rotating/moving components, there is great motivation to develop new and advanced TBCs.