Compute the longitudinal tensile strength of an aligned glass fiber-epoxy matrix composite in which the average fiber diameter and length are 0.010 mm and 2.5 mm, respectively, and the volume fraction of fibers is 0.40. Assume that thefiber-matrixbondstrengthis75MPa, the fracture strength of the fibers is 3500 MPa and the matrix stress at fiber failure is 8.0 MPa.


Answer 1



Given that,

Average fiber diameter is 0.01mm

d = 0.01mm = 1 × 10^-5m

The average fiber length is 2.5mm

L = 2.5mm = 0.0025m

Volume of the fraction of fibers is 0.40

Vf = 0.40

Fiber matrix bond strengths is 75MPa

τ = 75 MPa

The fraction strength of the fibers is 3500 Mpa

σf = 3500 MPa

The matrix street fiber is 8 MPa

σm = 8 MPa

We need to find the critical fiber length and compare it to original fiber length

Ic = σf•d / 2τ

Ic = 3500 × 0.01 / 75 × 2

Ic = 0.233 mm

Since the critical fiber length of 0.233 mm is much less than the provided length of the fiber (2.5mm) , so we can use the following equation to find the longitudinal tensile strength

σcd = σf•Vf(1—Ic / 2L) + σm(1—Vf)

σcd = 3500×0.4[1—0.233/(2 × 2.5)] + 8(1—0.4)

σcd = 1400(1—0.0467) + (8 × 0.6)

σcd = 1334.67 + 4.8

σcd = 1339.47 MPa

The longitudinal tensile strength of the aligned glass fiber-epoxy matrix composite is 1339.47 MPa

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Explain why the torsion test can be considered to provide a better assessment of plasticity than the tensile test.


Answer and Explanation:

The main objective that the torsion test serves is the determination of the material behavior or the behavior of the test sample when subjected to torsional stresses or forces due to the application of moments that results in shear stress along the axis.

Plasticity is the property of elastic material and tension or shear stresses leads to plasticity in a material where these links are the weakest, that gives torsion test a major advantage over the tension test.

Torsion tests are performed on materials to deduct  properties like the shear modulus of elasticity, the torsional strength, and the MOR, i.e., Modulus of Rupture.

This test can be used to obtain larger strain values of strain without any complexity as that in tension test.

This test provides a curve of shear-stress-shear strain which is more significant in determining the plasticity as compared to the curve of stress-strain in tension test.

Maximum torque for a given value of maximum stress will be 2 times higher in torsion as that of tension.

In torsion, for plastic flow, the threshold value of shear stress is achieved before the threshold value of normal stress for fracture whereas in tension the critical value of normal stress is achieved sooner than the critical shear for plastic flow.

At its current short-run level of production, a firm's average variable costs equal $20 per unit, and its average fixed costs equal $30 per unit. Its total costs at this production level equal $2,500. A. What is the firm's current output level? B. What are its total variable costs at this output level? C. What are its total fixed costs?


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below

Total average cost + total variable cost = total cost

Let number of output be x


Total fixed average cost = x × $30

Total variable cost = x × $15

Total cost = $2,500


$20 × x + $30 × x = $2,500

50 × x = $2,500

x = 50

Now the total variable cost is

= 50 × $20

= $1,000

And, the fixed cost is

= 50 × $30

= $1,500


12 4


because the production average is variable

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ask someone u fool hhhhhhhh

Assignment 1: Structural Design of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Beams for Bending Perform structural design of a rectangular reinforced concrete beam for bending. The beam is simply supported and has a span L=20 feet. In addition to its own weight the beam should support a superimposed dead load of 0.50 k/ft and a live load of 0.65 k/ft. Use a beam width of 12 inches. The depth of the beam should satisfy the ACI stipulations for minimum depth and be proportioned for economy. Concrete compressive strength f’c = 4,000 psi and yield stress of reinforcing bars fy = 60,000 psi. Size of stirrups should be chosen based on the size of the reinforcing bars. The beam is neither exposed to weather nor in contact with the ground, meaning it is subjected to interior exposure.
• Use the reference on "Practical Considerations for Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Beams"
• Include references to ACI code – see slides from second class
• Include references to Tables from Appendix A
• Draw a sketch of the reinforced concrete beam showing all dimensions, number and size of rebars, including stirrups.



Beam of 25" depth and 12" width is sufficient.

I've attached a detailed section of the beam.


We are given;

Beam Span; L = 20 ft

Dead load; DL = 0.50 k/ft

Live load; LL = 0.65 k/ft.

Beam width; b = 12 inches

From ACI code, ultimate load is given as;

W_u = 1.2DL + 1.6LL


W_u = 1.2(0.5) + 1.6(0.65)

W_u = 1.64 k/ft

Now, ultimate moment is given by the formula;

M_u = (W_u × L²)/8

M_u = (1.64 × 20²)/8

M_u = 82 k-ft

Since span is 20 ft, it's a bit larger than the average span beams, thus, let's try a depth of d = 25 inches.

Effective depth of a beam is given by the formula;

d_eff = d - clear cover - stirrup diameter - ½Main bar diameter

Now, let's adopt the following;

Clear cover = 1.5"

Stirrup diameter = 0.5"

Main bar diameter = 1"


d_eff = 25" - 1.5" - 0.5" - ½(1")

d_eff = 22.5"

Now, let's find steel ratio(ρ) ;

ρ = Total A_s/(b × d_eff)

Now, A_s = ½ × area of main diameter bar

Thus, A_s = ½ × π × 1² = 0.785 in²

Let's use Nominal number of 3 bars as our main diameter bars.

Thus, total A_s = 3 × 0.785

Total A_s = 2.355 in²


ρ = 2.355/(22.5 × 12)

ρ = 0.008722

Design moment Capacity is given;

M_n = Φ * ρ * Fy * b * d²[1 – (0.59ρfy/fc’)]/12

Φ is 0.9

f’c = 4,000 psi = 4 kpsi

fy = 60,000 psi = 60 kpsi

M_n = 0.9 × 0.008722 × 60 × 12 × 22.5²[1 - (0.59 × 0.008722 × 60/4)]/12

M_n = 220.03 k-ft

Thus: M_n > M_u

Thus, the beam of 25" depth and 12" width is sufficient.

What is the deflection equation for a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load?



\Delta _(max)=(5wL^4)/(384EI)


Given that

Load is uniformly distributed load and beam is simply supported.

Ra + Rb= wL

Ra = Rb =wL / 2

Lets x is measured from left side,then the deflection of beam at any distance x is given as

\Delta _x=(wx)/(24EI)(L^3-2Lx^2+x^3)

The maximum deflection of beam will at   x = L/2 (mid point )

\Delta _(max)=(w* (L)/(2))/(24EI)(L^3-2L* \left ((L)/(2)\right)^2+\left((L)/(2)\right)^3)

\Delta _(max)=(5wL^4)/(384EI)

Other Questions
IN JAVA,Knapsack ProblemThe file KnapsackData1.txt and KnapsackData2.txt are sample input filesfor the following Knapsack Problem that you will solve.KnapsackData1.txt contains a list of four prospective projects for the upcoming year for a particularcompany:Project0 6 30Project1 3 14Project2 4 16Project3 2 9Each line in the file provides three pieces of information:1) String: The name of the project;2) Integer: The amount of employee labor that will be demanded by the project, measured in work weeks;3) Integer: The net profit that the company can expect from engaging in the project, measured in thousandsof dollars.Your task is to write a program that:1) Prompts the user for the number of work weeks available (integer);2) Prompts the user for the name of the input file (string);3) Prompts the user for the name of the output file (string);4) Reads the available projects from the input file;5) Dolves the corresponding knapsack problem, without repetition of items; and6) Writes to the output file a summary of the results, including the expected profit and a list of the bestprojects for the company to undertake.Here is a sample session with the program:Enter the number of available employee work weeks: 10Enter the name of input file: KnapsackData1.txtEnter the name of output file: Output1.txtNumber of projects = 4DoneFor the above example, here is the output that should be written to Output1.txt:Number of projects available: 4Available employee work weeks: 10Number of projects chosen: 2Number of projectsTotal profit: 46Project0 6 30Project2 4 16The file KnapsackData2.txt, contains one thousand prospective projects. Your program should also be able to handle this larger problem as well. The corresponding output file,WardOutput2.txt, is below.With a thousand prospective projects to consider, it will be impossible for your program to finish in areasonable amount of time if it uses a "brute-force search" that explicitly considers every possiblecombination of projects. You are required to use a dynamic programming approach to this problem.WardOutput2.txt:Number of projects available: 1000Available employee work weeks: 100Number of projects chosen: 66Total profit: 16096Project15 2 236Project73 3 397Project90 2 302Project114 1 139Project117 1 158Project153 3 354Project161 2 344Project181 1 140Project211 1 191Project213 2 268Project214 2 386Project254 1 170Project257 4 427Project274 1 148Project275 1 212Project281 2 414Project290 1 215Project306 2 455Project334 3 339Project346 2 215Project356 3 337Project363 1 159Project377 1 105Project389 1 142Project397 1 321Project399 1 351Project407 3 340Project414 1 266Project431 1 114Project435 3 382Project446 1 139Project452 1 127Project456 1 229Project461 1 319Project478 1 158Project482 2 273Project492 1 142Project525 1 144Project531 1 382Project574 1 170Project594 1 125Project636 2 345Project644 1 169Project668 1 191Project676 1 117Project684 1 143Project689 1 108Project690 1 216Project713 1 367Project724 1 127Project729 2 239Project738 1 252Project779 1 115Project791 1 110Project818 2 434Project820 1 222Project830 1 179Project888 3 381Project934 3 461Project939 3 358Project951 1 165Project959 2 351Project962 1 316Project967 1 191Project984 1 117Project997 1 187